A Day With Chresanto

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😊No Ones POV😊

Kayla was sleeping peacefully until she was woken by her alarm. She turned her alarm off, got out of bed and hopped in the shower. She hopped out of the shower and put on her outfit. She curled her hair, lotioned up, put on deodorant, brushed her teeth, and went downstairs to be greeted by her mom.

Theresa:"Good Morning Kayla"

Kayla:"Morning Mom" she said grabbing a pop tart and a water bottle

Theresa:"Are you still hanging out with Chres"

Kayla:"Yea I'm heading over there right now"

Theresa:"Ok sweetie, remember don't stay out too long, you gotta unpack"

Kayla:"Ok mom but I'm finna go love you" she said kissing her mom on the cheek

Theresa:"Ok bye, love you you too"

Kayla walked out the house and walked next door to the August's house and knocked on the door.

🔥🏀Tyrone POV🏀🔥

I was on the couch watching College Football until I heard somebody knocking on the door😑😑. I got up and open the door to see Kayla.

Me:"Hey Kayla"

Kayla:"Hi Tyrone is Chresanto up yet"

Me:"No he's still sleeping"

Kayla:"Oh well can I go up there and wake him up, he's suppose to show me around California"

Me:"Sure, but I have to go with you guys"

Kayla:"Why, not that I don't want you too"

Me:"Well my mom is outta town because her BestFriend is getting married so yea, and I can't be left alone"

Kayla:"That's cool so Ima go up there and wake him up ok"


😊No Ones POV😊

Kayla went upstairs into Chresanto's room. She sat on his bed and started shaking him hard.

Kayla:"Chressssss time to get up, we're hanging out today remember"

Chres:"5 more minutes" he said groaning

Kayla:"Noooo Chres come on get up" she said while jumping up and Down on the bed

Chres:"Ok Ok I'm up"

Kayla:"Alright now get dressed I'll be downstairs"


Kayla went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for Chres.

2 Minutes Later

Chresanto was dressed and ready to hang out with Kayla today. Chres ran downstairs and got his keys.

Chres:"You ready?"

Kayla:"Yea but did you know that your little brother has to come with us?"

Chres:"Yea, my moms friend is getting married,and she went outta town so yea I gotta watch him"

Kayla:"Oh ok let's go Tyrone"

Kayla,Chres, and Tyrone walked out the house and drove around to show Kayla some cool stuff around California

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