A.. Different World.

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She won. Daenerys Targaryen has won and has successfully retaken her throne.

But at what cost?

She slowly walks to it, placing her hand on the iron throne.

Is it winning when she has lost so many ones she cared for, if she lost two of her dragons- her children. The only children she'll only have.

Daenerys opens her eyes closing it immediately, due to the bright wrath of the shining sun.

Pain blasting through her whole body.

She tries again but this time she slowly opens her eyes, regretting it through the pounding headache that spreads across of her whole head.

She can hardly remember anything- The last thing that comes to mind was of her touching the armrest of the iron throne.

She won.

She stands up almost falling back to the ground. Pain Pain Pain!!! She holds back a scream looking down, to find the wound.

She was busy kissing Snow, when a white hot pain flushed over her body from just above her heart as she felt the warm blood leaving her as well as her life.. Everything went dark, so how is she here now? And why?

It hits her, Jon tried to kill her-

If he hadn't already, I mean- she has never seen this place before.

In fact Daenerys can't even see any signs of live or civilization, is this the end?

Daenerys certainly can't see Drogon- I mean he would be very hard to miss.

She wondered- Actually hoped that Drogon is fine. Fear making it harder for her to think straight. What if he's dea- No you can't think of that!

She knew she'll just die right here right now if something had happened to Drogon. He's her last child.

Daenerys looked up at the blazing sun in hope of finding a direction a path to follow.

Her mouth is dry so she knew she couldn't take to long or else she would soon die of the thirst or hunger that crept near.

She walked towards the direction on her left side, with a bit of hope that she'll find some sign of live there.

This is going to be a very long walk.

People said that Targaryens are closer to Gods than to man, but that is because of their dragons..

Some even said Targaryens represent their dragons. That they are dragons.

But to Daenerys, dragons were something more, something better than what she was something better than anyone could ever be.

Her children were no different, they held an understanding in them that no one could've understand.

She could feel their emotions, the love they held for her.

It was usually just a glimpse of their emotions.

The first time it really overwhelmed her, was when Viserion died. Pain rushed through as she felt Drogon, Rhaegal's and her own pain.

She felt it once more with her and Drogon's pain when Rhaegal died.

The last time she felt that overwhelmingly feeling, that she knew was Drogon's anger.

Was when they heard the bells in Kings Landing.

And anger radiated off from both of them, as well as for revenge she felt.


A few hours passed and the sun has set, leaving the land in a blanket of pure darkness.

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