Trouble Starts with a T

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With the excitement of the past few days, it became apparent that for the people of New York, there would be not just a Spider-Man but also a Spider-Woman. No one was all to surprise by there being a new hero in the city but what caught the eye of the public was she was a female version of their beloved (or hated) superhero. This sparked many questions, and rumors regarding the two but unluckily for the public all questions would be left unanswered.

For one Gwen Stacy, she didn't know what to think of the sudden media whirlwind that her alter ego was caught up in. The not-so-far-off rumors of her being in a relationship with Spider-Man gave her a chuckle but the other far-out ones saying that she was an experiment gone wrong by Spider-Man were a little off-putting. I mean she supposes they're not too far off considering it was kind of an experiment but to put it quite literally it saved her life. The best thing to happen was easily both irritated and bombastic personality J Jonah Jameson brought along with his worries of future menaces based upon her and Peter's more "intimate" affairs. Other than that, it's been a pretty average few weeks for Spider-Duo or at least it was until they got a tip on who this Lincoln guy could be.

It all started normally for Gwen and Peter to stop a couple of petty thieves, take down some muggers, and stop an occasional bank robbery. It all changed when they encountered what seemed to be similar drug dealers that they dispatched about a month ago. This led the pair to go on what could only be described as a wild goose chase finding leads that led nowhere just to turn back and stumble upon something else that looked to be of use.

That is until this moment we see our heroes tracking down what they believe is one of the higher-ups of Tombstones' gang. The man in question is a man called Hammerhead.

"Who would've thought a gangster's name would quite literally represent them" Gwen whispered next to Peter as they were looking over the arms deal going down below them.

"Quite honestly I'm more offended that he didn't dress up as the shark since that's what every villain in my gallery likes to do" Peter retorts.

"Shouldn't we just take him down right now? I mean he is the bad guy, right?" Gwen glances over to Peter questioning him.

"We will but we need information and if we play this right, we may get more without having to fight through it."

As they sat waiting for at least to Gwen days to finally pick out something from the idiots below they were finally to gain something of value from the thugs. They overheard the group discussing plans for "Tombstone" to keep a shop in an auto warehouse where he keeps his underground business to look legit. With that being said, Gwen asks, "Can we finally get on with this? I still need some sleep before school."

With a nod, Peter jumps down to take out one of the guys nearest to the weapons before he's followed by Gwen snagging a man from below and sending a kick to the gut before webbing him to hand from the ceiling. As she makes quick work of the first guy, she drops down next to Peter.

"You'd think they would pick a less drug dealy place to meet" Gwen quips to Pete.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't be much of a drug deal if it wasn't so cliché" Peter quips back.

"Guys! The bugs are here! Get them!"

"Gentleman, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Spider-Man says as a thug comes near him with a bat. The man takes a swing towards his head as Peter dodges, "alright swing for the head it is." Peter swings his arm at the man knocking him out.

"Why can't these things ever be easy" Gwen yells to Peter as she blocks a punch before sending another right back.

"Oh, you know because nothing is easy when it comes to this it is always difficult" Peter calls back as he jumps off on man to land a punch on the next.

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