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A/N: I didn't have this originally but I'm deciding to put it in now. If anyone wants to take this simple plotline and run with it go for it since there are many talented writers and I know that my writing may not do it justice. All I ask is to be notified so I can read an incredible story!

We leave off seeing Gwen falling toward the murky waters below. She knows this will most likely be the end she's falling too fast and Peter... she doesn't believe he can make it in time. This looks like it will be the end for Gwen, sees him shoot a web toward her and there's hope it'll catch her, and everything will be okay. She feels the tug of the web and then there's nothing but darkness.

"I've got her she's going to be okay," Peter thought.

He didn't notice the way she hung limply from his thread her head back and no response can be seen from the young woman. When he finally brings her over the ledge of the bridge, he sees she's not responsive and her eyes are closed with mostly ghostly features. Under his mask, he's fighting the tears that threaten to break.

"No, no, no... this can't be happening" he screams in anguish to himself. "You're okay you have to be okay. I need you..."

Even through the traffic horns and the screaming individuals below he hears a soft noise. A noise so quiet that a person even with a stethoscope wouldn't be able to hear. (Thump Thump...Thump Thump) He realizes now he's running on borrowed time and needs to get her help because the sounds are becoming softer and softer. So, without a moment's hesitation, Peter pulls her towards him and webs her arms around him. Then with a running start and a far jump, he's off to the only person that would be able to help her. As Peter is swinging through the city's skyscrapers, he sees the location of Stark Tower. With an extra burst of speed that he knew would leave him sore tomorrow, especially after his battle with Green Goblin he lands on the platform to Stark Tower.

Peter screams, "Tony! Anyone! I need help! You're going to be okay Gwen, I promise. Then after this you can tell me how this isn't my fault and that I need to stop always carrying the world's burdens on my shoulders".

Tony can be seen arriving in what can only be described as hysteria since he had been at hard work on his latest suit. He takes notice of the girl in Peter's arms and quickly says, "Follow me". Peter follows Tony into the medical bay that lay within Stark Tower with Gwen still held firmly with him. He lays her in one of the numerous hospital beds that lay within the room as a team of doctors and nurses assess the blonde's injuries. Luckily it seems that Peter was able to make it within time.

"I did it she's safe. Where in the best medical facility you could ever ask for and from what I know she's stable. Everything will be okay" Peter thinks to himself.

Sadly, in typical Parker fashion that is the moment chaos seems to break out. Her heart monitor, which was steady, starts rising slowly until all at once it starts ringing and her body starts shaking. Peter is then taken from the room rather unwillingly as the doctors get to work. What they didn't realize is that all the problems came from the web that caught her.

After many hours of Peter pacing back and forth waiting for news of the state of his girlfriend. A doctor called him back.

"I don't know how to tell you this son but its not looking good. Right now, our major concern is her neck. It's been fractured in a couple of places along with numerous internal injuries there is no easy way to say it, but we don't have very high hopes of her making it through"

"There's got to be something that can be done!" Peter begs the man.

"I'm sorry there's not much else we can do with the amount of blood loss during the surgery to fix the internal damage it's a miracle that she's still even alive. Right now, the best thing you can do is possibly say your goodbyes."

The Night Gwen Stacy LivedWhere stories live. Discover now