A Shift in the Wind

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We catch Peter swinging off the building and away from Gwen. As he zips over the building landing into a roll he thinks to himself, what does she think she's doing? Doesn't she know how dangerous what she did was? It's like she doesn't realize that I almos... nope I'm not even going to think about it. As he looks over the rooftop he realizes that he is only a few more miles away from his home so with a leap from the building and with a thwip he's rocketing towards home.

As he climbs up the wall of his apartment he spots his window and with years of practice opens it without a sound. As he climbs inside he throws his mask off into the closet. To think Gwen was here. The real question is how did she know where all my stuff is? I'll have to ask her tomorrow I guess. He eventually hears the footsteps of his Aunt making her way to his room. He quickly makes his way out of his suit, throws it under the bed, and hops into bed just as the door to his room opens.

With the creak of the door, Peter calls out, "Hey! Have you ever heard of knocking before entering?"

Without any hesitation, she opens the door all the way and steps inside the room. "Have you ever heard that this is my apartment?" Aunt May says with a mock glare. With Peter still speechless, she goes on, "Where have you been? Do you know how late it is?"

Peter then checks his clock and realizes it's past eleven o'clock.

"Oh well, you see I had to go and help Gwen with a new project that she's working on," Peter says. It's not a complete lie but it's not exactly the full-on truth.

"Well, that's wonderful. What was the project for?" May questions.

Peter looks at her blankly slightly lowering his gaze before stuttering out a response "The project... it was for um... criminal justice?"

With a slight glint of mischief in her eyes, May chuckles to herself, "Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what it was."Peter eventually meets her gaze as she sends a smirk Peter's way.

With a spark of recognition, Peter exclaims as a flush goes to his cheeks, "May it wasn't like that!"

With a dismissal of her hand and a light chuckle, she leaves the room: "Sure Peter, just be safe next time, okay? And make sure to take a shower you kinda smell."

With a groan of acceptance, Peter makes his way back to the closet to fish out some clothes before he starts his shower.

As he finished his shower and made his way back to his room feeling slightly better, he thought about Gwen and what she said before he left. Realizing his moment of anger and frustration towards the situation he didn't say anything back he quickly opens his phone before sleep overtakes him and types out.

I'm still mad but I love you too.

Without skipping a beat from the night before Gwen's morning started just as poorly as it ended. When she finally awoke she realized that the alarm clock from her non-destroyed nightstand read 9:30 in angry red numbers. She jolts out of bed to make her way towards her closet where her feet get tangled within the sheets and falls into her drums knocking over her cymbals.

With a groan, she stands up and makes her way toward her closet pulling on the first thing she can get her hands on. She frantically throws off her old clothes from last night and switches them to a pair of sweatpants and an old Aerosmith band shirt she got at a concert. She finds her phone stuffing it in her pocket and pulls on a pair of chucks.

Before she leaves her door she realizes she may need a faster mode of transportation glancing at the web shooters and the hoodie/mask on the ground. No time like the present to learn she thinks before she makes her way up to the roof of her building.

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