7: Hospitals

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What could he happening? What was up with Amara? So many thoughts rushed into the heads of Adelina, Carina and Maya.


"You're going to fine" Ben reassured the teenager who was lying on the floor from her dizzy spell.

Her excessive heavy period caused her to feel dizzy from the amount of blood.

"Ben what is going on!" Maya said frantically.

"I'm not really sure" Ben said with a confused expression

"Not sure?" Maya snapped.

"Maya, Amara wouldn't say anything all we know is that she had bad period cramps and she was on heavy, next minute we found her on the bathroom floor wincing in pain all her underwear is soaked in blood" Ben said frantically, it wasn't his specialty he didn't know what was going on.

"She said she had large blood clots?.. I went to find Ben to ask about it but we came back to her in a lot of pain and the pain relief and hot water bottle is not working" Vic said as she stroked the teenagers hair.

"Bambina can Mamma check you?" Carina asked her daughter, Amara shook her head she was in too much pain to be poked and prodded around at.

"Amara you need to tell them" Adelina snapped and the adults turned to face her.

"Tell us what?" Maya asked her teenager confused.

"Amara's period cramps are really painful, like really painful she told me that when she says she's sick on school days it's because of her period cramps and they stop her from her usual activities, and she's always on heavy and sometimes has periods that last 2 months and they are very irregular" Adelina blurted out, Amara let out a groan and cry from the pain.

Amara clutched onto her stomach the sharp shooting pain hit her stomach and back it throbbed and throbbed and throbbed.

"Bambina you needed to tell us, this is serious, we need to get to Grey Sloan I'll call Jo" Carina said.


Ben rushed in with a gurney to rush the teen into the air car for the safest and fastest form of transport.

They loaded the teen into the aid car, the family sat inside the aid car anxiously, looking at the teenager in pain.

"We will get to the bottom of this bambina I just wish you would have told us" Carina said soothing her teenager.

"I know I just thought I could deal with it on my own.. it's just a period" Amara sighed

"Bambina if something is causing you pain then you needed to tell us, nobody deserves that much pain and it may be a period, but they could be a reason to why your feeling like this" Carina said to her teenager truthfully. As an OB/GYN, her thoughts rushed to every possible answer, she was worried she knew these symptoms were bad, she could have a mass, a tumour or something even worse.

The drive to Grey-Sloan was silent the only thing heard was the siren that blocked out the teens painful cries.

Pulling up to the hospital Jo and Arizona rushed out to the DeLuca-Bishop family, she had received a call from Carina and had set up an OB/GYN exam room on the paediatric ward.

"I've set up an exam room so let's take her to there" Jo called out as they wheeled the teenager in.


The teenager now layed on the exam bed ready for an gynaecologist exam.

"When I did the vaginal ultrasound when you were treated for Gonorrhoea the scans were clean everything looked great, I'm going to perform both vaginal and abdominal ultrasound" Jo said to the family of 4.

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