1: The Twins.

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Ever since the day the DeLuca-Bishop's decided to start a family. Maya wanted a mini Carina she could count her blessings on, while Carina wanted a version of Maya with same bold blue eyes and blonde hair.

The couple both agreed on having twins, they used Maya's egg and Carina's egg, it was a tricky process, but was worth it in the end.

As 15 years later they now have two beautiful teenage daughters, Amara Lucia and Adelina Andrea.

Amara resembled her Mamma Carina, she has the same curly brown locks and an excellent figure, yet she had the blue eyes of her sperm donor Jack Gibson.

Adelina was the spitting image of Maya, she had the same blue eyes, she kept her blonde hair on the shorter side much like her mother Maya.

Both twins were completely different, but they had similarities, both taking up Carina's personality of fashion and shopping, the two girls loved to wear trendy outfits and shop till you drop!

Amara was not sporty except for cheer which she was eventually kicked off the team for her reckless behaviour, unlike her sister Adelina who was a talented gymnast, but ever since she was diagnosed with anorexia, the teen had to step back on her passion and focus on her mental health.

Amara on the other hand had her own struggles, even if she hid them. Her parents gave both of their children equal amount of love and attention, but Amara felt as if her sister was gaining all of the attention ever since her eating disorder started, the teen was worried for her sister. This didn't stop the teen from rebelling, sneaking out to go to parties, bringing home multiple boys who she snogged in front of her Moms. She gained the attention from them, despite it being constant telling offs and groundings, chats on safe sex and responsibility, it was what it was she gained attention and it was enough to please.


Amara stumbled her way into the house, coming back drunk from of course another party. The teen didn't want to face the wrath of both of her parents, who she constantly disobeyed.

Adelina was sat on the couch, she had just finished a meal, she managed to eat a full plate of food, it was a good day for her despite all the guilt she felt from eating, her parents kind words of encouragement always helped the recovering teen.

"Woah are you drunk" Adelina asked as she looked up at her twin who was very much unstable as she stumbled her way into the house.

Adelina rushed to support her twin sister who looked as if she was about to pass out or fall to the ground from the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

"I still wonder why you do this to yourself sometimes" Adelina said as she palmed her face still shook at the rebellious behaviours her twin sister took part in frequently.

"I feel like crap" The drunk teen slurred, as she let her sister support her through the house.

"Well moms will be home soon, so you have about 10 minutes to think of an excuse to why your so drunk and dressed like you have just been to a strip club" Adelina chuckled as she helped her twin sister onto her bed.

"Shit! Could you stall, say I'm asleep" Amara slurred as she gained more awareness of her surroundings.

"Mar.. it's literally 7am Mom and Mamma had a last minute night shift, you've been away all night, they've been trying to contact you" Adelina broke the news to her twin sister who looked at her as if she had just been murdered.

"Great, just fucking great" Amara slurred out as she smacked her face realising what she was about to get into.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad" Adelina attempted to reassure the drunk teenager.

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