2: Just Our Luck

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The teenager was soon enough sat at the principals desk, listening to the phone call the principal made with her moms.

This was going to be a fun time!


Amara was soon to find her moms sat in the principals office with frustration that filled their every crevice. The principal explained the multiple occasions of Amara's disruption in class and her poor attention and grades. It had come to a decision that the principal had no choice but to suspend Amara for a week.

"Seriously Amara! Suspended for a week?" Maya asked frustratingly as the family walked out to the car.

"What can I say, I'm passionate" The teen chuckled.

"Amara Lucia! This is not a joke, this is serious, things like this can affect you getting into college, getting a good job" Maya sighed.

"Bambina if you don't change your behaviour and start focusing on school then their will be no after school activities, no hanging out with friends till you can keep your grades up and start to behave in school" Carina said firmly.

"School sucks" The teen said as she slumped back in the seat of the car.

"Mar, it's important you get an education and pay attention in school" Maya warned her teenager daughter.

"Blah blah blah" The teenager mocked, which was a terrible decision as she was now faced with an angry Maya and Carina.

Her mother's facial expressions were not something you wanted to mess with, it was clear they were angry.

"Drop the attitude!" Maya scolded her daughter.

The teenager rolled her eyes, which she thought she didn't make obvious, but from the look her Mamma had on her face, she definitely noticed and god you could see her Italian temper rage through.

"Dio Mio, you do not speak to your Mom like that è mancanza di rispetto. Ridicola! Are we clear?" Carina said strictly, she was in rage you could see her trying to fight back her temper.

"Sorry Mom" The teen apologised completely shocked at how her parents reacted, it was unexpected.

"Now this behaviour needs to stop, we are sick of it, and your actions have consequences, so we will be installing a tracker on your phone, we will be checking your phone every night" Maya said and the teen immediately groaned in response.

"If you can not be mature enough, and if you act like a child, then we will treat you like one, we can not trust you to be mature and responsible for yourself if you are going to behave with such carelessness and recklessness" Maya beckoned.

The teenager nodded, unsure how to respond, there was no way out of this, no excuse, nothing.


Of course the teenager was not trusted on her own at home, so a week of suspension from school she would be spending at the hospital or station continuing her homework.

As soon as the family left the school they headed to the station, Maya was on shift and it was a clinic day meaning Carina was needed to help out.

"Oh em gee! Mar Munchkin!" Vic called out from the desk as the family walked in to the station.

"Hi Aunt Vic" Amara greeted her aunt who was very excited to see her niece.

"Wait why aren't you in school?" Vic said raising an eyebrow.

"She got suspended for a week, causing riots in class and constant disruption, detention the list goes on" Maya said explaining to Vic why her daughter was off school.

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