chapter 12

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Evelyn was in notti's  room just talking to him about how the school day went and how bitches kept trying her while notti was on the game with his headset on and one ear was uncovered so her could listen to his sister. He loved when she could tell him anything without feeling judged or like he wasn't listening.

" this one bitch made fun of my braces and said I dont deserve to be your twin because I'm an ugly hoe and that I'm fat as fuck and your nothing like me. When she said that, I went to the bathroom and started bawling my eyes out because how am I ugly and I looked exactly like you."  Evelyn said. After that girl said that to her, she took that shit to heart. Her whole life was he just being notti's twin and dds little sister. Never just Evelyn Reyes. She didn't mind that because being notti's twin and dds little sister was not bad at all. It was the hate and the stuff that went along with it.

Notti tured around to look at Evelyn. " Do you believe her?" Notti asked. One thing about notti was he wasn't gonna let anyone mess with his siblings female or not. " I mean, kinda. I'm always the one no one really notices for real. Hearing that makes me feel less of a person and more of something that doesn't matter, " Evelyn explained.

Notti turned off his game and went to sit next to Evelyn on the bed. " Why  you thinking like that? You always gon have people hating on you for stupid ass reasons. I understand it hurts sometimes, but you can't listen to them. You not ugly, you not a hoe, your not fat, and you so perfect in my eyes. I love you and your braces, and if anything, I don't deserve to be your twin. You heard, " notti expressed.

Some days, Evelyn feels like she's nothing and isn't important, and notti's always there to reassure her and make her feel better. Notti gave her a hug. " You wanna go out and do something, just me, you, and dd?" He asked, trying to make her day better. She nodded her head. " ok, go get ready, and I'll go get dd." Notti said before getting up.

After about 30 minutes, they left out of the house, and they headed to Chick-fil-A first because Evelyn didn't eat even though she said she wasn't hungry but dd and notti knew she hasn't aten all day today and yesterday so they were gonna make sure she eats.  After she ate, they went to the mall. They were having fun and laughing with each other. They paid for all of the things Evelyn wanted.

Notti osama

Notti osama

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Caption: cheering our sister up cause you bitches keep trying her. She will beat your ass gangsta @Ur_girl.Eve
Liked by 4.k people

Savanna.hates: she ugly ash idgaf she won't beat shit
↪️ your account is based offa hating in people, so hop  offa her dick and go ride someone else's cause she ain't interested

Ddosama: they gon keep going, but if she sends them to the hospital, she's wrong?
↪️ gangsta

Sugarhillddot: ma wife so gorgeous, they just on dick
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DD Osama

DD Osama

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Caption: You smooches don't got shit on my sister.
Liked by 3.9k people

Comments off

After the left, the mall. They went to the arcade and spent about an hour and a half there. They went home and started watching movies and did random shit while smoking a blunt. " You guys wanna go live?" Evelyn asked. " yea of course." dd Said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

DD Osama went live

So many people joined so quickly.

Ddotswife: Tell your sister to stay offa my man

User345672: Is that notti's twin? Cause she is so pretty.
↪️ her name is Evelyn, not notti's twin. Get it right

Layla.rose: she's so pretty.

" Thank you for calling me pretty," Evelyn replied, reading the comments, ignoring the one about being notti's twin. The only reason she has a big following or is known in general I'd because she's friends and is related to drill rappers who have a big platform. She understands she doesn't show her skill of rapping, but she doesn't want known as their little sister.

She does rap, and she's very good. She just thought people would judge her, so she never puts it out there. She would need a rap name because everyone else has one. She wanted to match notti's  and dd's so it could be something "osama" or it could be unique that stands out.

She just needs a name then she can go to the studio and work on something.

A/n 👄

Please give me a good name for Evelyn's rap name, or ima look it up and it's gonna be boring. Please and thank you

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