ONE / "Apotheosis Blues."

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Apotheosis Blues.


—Such a simple word but it held so much power as the governor raised his sword, aimed and penetrated it in Hershel's jugular. Slicing off a chunk of the old man's neck. As the weapon found its mark, a sickening sound filled the air along with his crimson gushing. The old man who had practically raised Perseus in this same prison that was being surrounded and the one who had actually raised Maggie and Beth lay dead, surrounded by the men the governor calls his comrades. Maggie's screams of anguish and Perseus' sobs could be heard far beyond from where they stood.

The gunfire that had once filled the air had given way to a heart-wrenching silence, broken only by the sobs of the group.

They all watch Hershel fall to the damp grass, impossibly slow. It took a moment for the reality to sink in, and by then Rick was screaming, screaming so loud it drowned everything else out.

"No!" Rick let out a deafening scream as he raised his gun, rage pulsing through every fiber of his being. The sound of the gunshot rang out, echoing hollowly through the arid, desolate landscape as the sheriff fired his weapon, striking the governor in the shoulder with a sickening thunk.

Percy's grip on his gun was so tight that his knuckles had turned white, and his voice became an unrecognizable hoarse scream as he continued to pull the trigger, over and over again. Tears streamed down his face as his vision became hazy with grief and rage, making everything he saw a blur.

He shot indiscriminately at anyone and anything, completely consumed by the overwhelming emotions that had driven him into a frenzied state. Time seemed to pass in a blur as his thoughts grew more incoherent, leaving little room for any rational thought. The colors around him seemed to spin, leaving only a blinding white haze, and his body felt completely numb as he continued to shoot.

—His ears rang due to the number of gunshots firing near him. His world spun in a panic as tears ran down his face.

What happens next is not what Percy would have expected...

The governor gave a slight nod to his nearby men, and in a swift and coordinated motion, the tanks tore down the prison fence, as though it was nothing more than a piece of thin cardboard. The sound of the falling fences echoed, and the roar of car, truck and military tank engines filled the field, the steel giants making their way through the prison gates.

The groups dispersed, others making a mad dash for any form of safety. Percy wasted no time in turning on his heel and starting to sprint away as he rushed away from the break in, seeking to put as much distance between himself and the chaos as he could ⸻


⸻  The prison the group once found safety in had fallen eerily silent, the clamor and chaos of the battle now dead. The governor had claimed victory, but at what cost? Hershel Greene is lifeless. Perseus had watched him get decapitated.... Sat on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest, Percy was a pale, bloody mess. His face dripped with tears that stained the creases of his skin. His weeping was quieter now, a soft, muted sound of loss and grief that emanated from his tired body.

Tears had become a scarce resource for him - he had cried so much that there was nothing left inside his tear ducts. He couldn't produce anymore tears at the moment. His sobs were quiet and broken.

"P-Percy..." A familiar croaked out as if the male was struggling to speak.

Percy sniffled as he jumped to his feet, tears flooding his vision. In the corner of his eye, he saw Rick Grimes standing behind him, bloodied and limping. Carl was standing close to his father, his gaze locked firmly on Percy.

Percy couldn't let Carl see him in such a state or else he wouldn't be able to live it down, so he quickly wiped away his tears and cleared his throat. "Rick? What happened to you?" He gasped when he examined the state he was in. Rick looked as if he was about to fall, in response Percy instinctively rushed over to him, lacing an arm over his shoulder. "Woah, woah... Are you okay?"

"We have- have to go..." Rick grunted as he leaned into Percy for support.

"Why don't we just leave Percy? He'll only be a burden to us," Carl whispered, his arms folded. Carl's words were cold and sharp as he suggested leaving Percy behind.

The idea was met with Percy's equally harsh tone. Percy's lips curled into a cold grin as he glared back at Carl. "I wish we could leave you instead." He shot back the same sentiment.

"Boys, stop..." Rick said, voice hoarse as the three of them begun to walk, passing an a-flame flipped over military tank.

"Look. Isn't that your daughter's carrier?" Percy asked Rick, pointing out an abandoned carrier. Percy's gaze followed to where the carrier was resting, the worn fabric of the it frayed at the edges and stained with fresh blood. It seemed as if the carrier itself had been through a battle, the leather straps torn and the metal buckle twisted.

The realization hit Percy like a punch in the gut, his heart feeling as if it were falling down a never-ending pit. Carl's own expression growing softer, the weight of the moment settling in their minds.

Not the baby.

God, why the infant.

"No..." Rick sobbed.

Carl's eyes were fixed on the walker embodiment of the undead man. He pulled out his gun with a firm grip, took aim, and pulled the trigger with a steady hand as the bullet struck its target right in the forehead. The undead man was sent crashing to the ground, it's body motionless.

⸻ But Carl didn't stop there. He continued to reload his weapon, firing round after round into the already defeated walker. Even when he ran out of bullets, he continued to pull the trigger, the clicking of the empty chamber echoed.

Rick moved Percy's arm off of his shoulder. "Carl!" He shouted and ran to wrap his arms around Carl's shoulders. Exhaustion weighed Carl down to the point he was leaning against his father. "It's over." Rick repeated in Carl's ear.

"We should go..." Percy mumbled softly, looking at the father and son crying together.

— JO SPEAKS !! Chapter one is officially out !! I hope you guys enjoyed :D

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Chapter one is officially out !!
I hope you guys enjoyed :D

SWEET THORNS IN MY BLOOD ⸻ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now