Chapter 16

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Scarlett woke up feeling groggy her head was spinning despite being firmly stuck on the pillow. Her eyes fluttered open but quickly closed when the light was too bright for her to handle. She turned around hoping to go back to sleep but the sound that had originally woken her up began again. She turned around in the direction of the noise and forced herself to sit up and open her eyes. Hannah and Heidi were tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep despite the noise but soon they both gave up when they heard Scarlett groan. 

"Urgh what is that?"" Heidi whined as she sat up regretting it instantly when her head began to pound at the movement "Whoever kept pouring Firewhisky shots is not my friend anymore." 

"With you on that Heidi, my head is throbbing like mad." Scarlett slowly turned to check up on Bianca in the bed beside her but was shocked to see a messy and empty bed. "I think I figured out what the noise is." 

Scarlett slowly stood up and took her time walking to the bathroom door holding her temples in an attempt to stop the spinning. She lightly knocked on the door knowing full well she couldn't handle any loud noises right now. 

"B? You okay in there?" she asked through the door 

"No." a weak and tired voice came from the other side. 

Scarlett tried the door hoping it was unlocked and it was. She made her way inside and was hit with a fowl smell of sick and alcohol that made her wretch involuntarily which triggered Bianca who was sat on the floor of the bathroom resting her head on the toilet seat to begin puking again. Scarlett sprinted to the window and opened it to get some fresh air and to be sick herself. The two girls noises triggered each other to be sick until there was nothing left in their stomachs. 

"Sorry." Bianca whimpered as her forehead rested on the cold porcelean toilet seat again

"Why are you sorry?" Scarlett asked as she joined her best friend on the floor feeling a lot better after clearing her stomach of any remnants of alcohol left from the night 

"I woke you up when being sick." 

"Oh B, don't be sorry about that. Are you feeling any better now?" 

"No, my head is throbbing like mad. I'm struggling to keep by eyes open from how dizzy I feel. I honestly feel like death." 

"Okay, I'm feeling a lot better so how about I go grab you some water and some anti nausea sweets my mum gave me." Scarlett got up quickly and instantly regretted it. Although she had felt a lot better after being sick she was still quite delicate so moved at a slow pace back into the dorm to her trunk. 

"Do we want to know what is happening in there?" Hannah groggily asked still lying in her bed 

"I can confidently say, no you don't." Scarlett replied as she pulled out the small glass container of hard boiled sweets from her trunk then made her way to her bedside table to get her wand and flicked it  to let a small jet of water pour into a glass that she carried to the bathroom to Bianca. 

Once she walked in the smell of sick was still very much in the air despite the window being open but it was much less pungent than the first time she had walked in so although it turned her stomach she was able to control the gag reflex. She handed one of the hard boiled sweets to Bianca who took a swig of water before sucking on the sweet. 

The effects of the sweet were nearly instant allowing Bianca to lift her head of the toilet seat and sit up straighter "Your mother is my saviour. I know she didn't give these to you for hangovers but damn they are so useful." 

"Tell me about it. Perk of having a healer mother, I'm all stocked up on the goods so don't need to rely on Madam Pomfrey." 

"I love your mum."

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