The Grand Finale

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Melody and Finn made it to the front of the building, where the police could be seen arresting what looked to be the talent scout. "LET ME GO! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" He shouts as he is pushed into the car. Another person in a fancy suit narrowed his eyes. "Take him straight to the jailhouse. I will not have anyone exploiting anybody here." He said.

Melody and Finn were confused "What's going on?" Melody asked. "Oh. I'm afraid that everyone here has almost been scammed. I'm a talent scout in the area, looking for a fresh new star, but someone decided that they would use that to their advantage." The person said. The kids turned to each others in shock, this was the REAL talent scout?!

"Well. Luckily, I had my suspicions when I saw you run out of the building. So I would like to see if anyone here has what it takes." He said. Finn smiled. This was finally Melody's chance! "Tell him! Tell him you want to do it!" He whispered. Melody took a deep breath, and stepped forward. "Sir. I may not be the prettiest, nor do I have the best clothes, or the best face here...but I would be honored to try and sing for you." She said.

The talent scout smiled. Moments later, Melody was standing on a stage, with him in front of her. "Name?" He asked "Melody Winstin." She said. "Age?" "15" "And the name of the song you'll be singing?" Melody paused...but her face gained a smile "I'm afraid that the song I'm about to sing, does not have a name. But a beautiful Melody that anyone can hear." She said. The talent scout was confused, but he allowed it. "Alright. Let's hear it" He said. Melody took a deep breath.

Hello to the Wonderworld

Say hello to Balan's world

Come and celebrate with me

Our new world, our life

Music began to play from an unknown source, as Melody's family looked around for what was making it, but the talent scout and Finn were watching in awe

I cried a lot

With mixed thoughts

But I always got up

Till I reached the goal

Claps to the beat were heard as Melody got into the music, singing her heart out to a tune both familiar and unfamiliar, only heard from a strange dream

I never gave up

'Cause I believed

Now I know

Every second was precious

Now, It could have been a trick of the light, but it almost seemed to be that the room began to feel a little warmer

Don't have to be too positive

Don't need to be too negative

Balance will bring a happy ending

When we open our heart we see

The world is so magical

These dreams can all come true, oh

A bright light came from Melody as he entire outfit completely transformed into that of a beautiful dress. Everyone who saw it gasped, but Finn's smile grew. Was it really real?

Hello to the Wonderworld

Say hello to Balan's world

Come and celebrate with me

Our new world, our life

Hello to the Wonderworld

Say hello to Balan's world

Flags are waving for our day

Our new world, our life

Hello to the Wonderworld

Say hello to Balan's world

Come and celebrate with me

Flags our waving for our day

Our new world, ahh, our life

Hello to the Wonderworld!

At the end, Melody ended up shooting into the air, as fireworks shot out around her, showering all that saw her in a beautiful glitter. Melody landed just as the song ended as she smiled, while also catching her breath.

The talent scout didn't move for a second...until he smiled. And wiped a tear from his eyes "I remember that tune...from a long time ago..." He said. He then walked up to Melody, and handed her a piece of paper. "I hope that you'll be able to...consider." He said. Melody gazed at the paper, and her eyes widened. It was a PERFORMANCE CONTRACT! With a shaky laugh, she quickly signed her name as her family rushed out to join her 

"MELODY!!! YOU DID IT!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!" Her mom said. Her dad and Finn hugged her as tears of joy streamed down Melody's face. But as Melody wiped them away, she could see someone all the way in the back...a figure in white glittery clothing, green dreadlocks, and a showstopping grin. Melody shook her head, and the figure was gone.

Maybe it wasn't such a strange dream after all...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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Balan Wonderworld: Melody of BalanceWhere stories live. Discover now