Ch 15: The Girl Who is Gaga for Bugs (Act 1)

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Melody walked to the next door, slowly trying to get used to her new dress and still pondering over Balan's words. "What does he mean when I enter the other worlds..." she asked herself as she stepped into the new world. As soon as she entered the door, she heard what sounded to be a very quiet. And timid voice saying something to her

"The Girl Who's Gaga for Bugs..."

When she was on the other side of the door, she found herself in what looked to be a giant forest. "Wow...I feel like a tiny little bug here!" She said as she looked down at her sleeves. Wait a minute...


Melody gasped as she looked at the dress, now adorned with various plants, mushrooms and insects on it.

"That must be what Balan meant...The dress will change with the environment..."

Melody mused as she explored the new world around her. Soon she spotted a new costume up ahead, one with a small plant like lantern. "I'll take whatever I can get at this-" the girl was cut off by more Negati appearing in of her, only these were bigger than the ones from before.

"Uh oh!" Melody cried as she gained her new costume...only to realize that all she had was a lantern on her head. The Negati eyed her as she ran, jumping on a particularly bouncy mushroom to escape them. The mushrooms boosted her up to higher ground as she caught her breath.

"I...Hate...This place..."

Melody gasped as she stood up, looking down at the Negati trying to get up to her. She blew a raspberry at them before she continued forward

"Oh...Hello there."

A small voice said. Melody looked to see a little girl with Purple hair and red glasses shyly looking at her.

"I...I hope you didn't mean what you said..." The small girl said, a small frown appearing. Melody looked confused "What do you mean?" She asked "About my would...And that you hated it..." she said quietly.

Melody paled, she didn't mean to offend the little girl. "No No! I didn't mean your world, I just meant this 'Wonderworld' place in general!" She explained, hoping to cheer up the small girl...but she vanished.

"Sigh...So much for that..." Melody said as she continued on...only to get tangled in a particularly sticky web...and webs meant SPIDERS.

"CRUD CRUD CRUD CRUD CRUD!!!" Melody cried out as she scrambled out of the web, wiping the residual stickiness off of her. "OK, If I'm right, there might be something in this backwards world that gives me the ability to get through them..." she said, looking for another costume. Near another mushroom, she saw what looked to be a spider like costume.

"Well...It's better than nothing." She thought. Grabbing a nearby key, she walked over to the new costume, but felt that her head felt longer...and stickier. "What in the..." Melody muttered, looking down at her spiderweb printed skirt. " goes nothing..." she thought. Charging into the web, she did feel the stickiness still, but now was able to climb up and over the web with ease.

"Huh! I feel like a real spider now! Maybe I'm just as small as well..." she said to herself, as she climbed to the other side. A group of more of the buglike creatures cheered her on "You can Do it!" Keep going!" They cheered, but dissappeared just as quickly as more Negati appeared

"OH COME ON!!!" Melody yelled out, running to another web, and climbing out of their reach. She climbed over to a small ledge where the Negati couldn't reach her "Serves you right! I can't take you all on!" She shouted before continuing forward.

However, what met her next was a few moving webs...hovering over a pretty good feet above the ground. Melody let out a loud 'GULP' while she looked down at distance between the webs and the ground, the thought of her falling and breaking every bone in her body playing in her head.

A particularly mischievous Tim however pushed her towards the web, causing her to fall face first towards a web that was coming towards her. Melody was about to jump off, before the web moved forwards and to another platform. Frantically, Melody rushed to get herself off of the web before it over again.

"Whoa...I wish I could do that..." she heard the little girl say. "I don't. This is terrifying!!" Melody yelled out, clutching the ground. "But you looked so brave doing it...I'm sure you have a lot of people cheering you on..." she told her. "Yeah well, They're cheering for the wrong reasons...I feel so small sometimes..." Melody replied, her voice quivering in fear.

The little girl looked up at her "Well...maybe being small isn't all that bad..." she told her "You just have to see it from a different...perspective." she said. Melody tried to get closer so that she could explain more, but the little girl vanished before she could.

Melody sighed before she looked at the obstacle blocking her way from the spiked tree...and the way out. "'s OK, just...think of it from a different perspective..." she said, taking the little girl's advice. She decided to try and think that the webs looked like something else. So she envisioned that the webs looked like Finn

"Melody! C'mon!" She imagined him shouting. The girl then ran to the web and latched on, holding on for dear life until she reached the next one. Climbing over, she finally made it back to solid ground where the black tree was waiting up ahead.

"Oh thank goodness!" She cried in joy, running towards it, only to be stopped by more Negati, these ones looking much different from these looked more like triceratops with lethal looking spikes. The large creatures charged towards her causing her to shriek and run off. She frantically climbed into a mushroom, hoping that it couldn't jump, but her eyes caught 2 more Negati moving what seemed to be a switch away from the ground, and onto a higher mushroom.

"Hey!" She yelled, climbing upwards to try and get them away. When she got to the top one, she managed to get rid of them, and get the switch. Now the bad news was getting past the big ones...

The small Tims were already on it as they charged towards them and jumped into them...only harmlessly bounce off. To make it worse, it seemed that they were starting to get smaller. Melody didn't want to get involved, but the Tims looked like they couldn't hold out much longer, and sooner or later they WOULD get her...

Melody took a deep breath, and at the top of her lungs, she yelled, grabbed the shrunken down Tims, and hopped up a few steps so that these new Negati couldn't get to her. Melody tried to catch her breath as she set the Tims down "You guys alright?" She asked. The little bird like creatures chirped happily in reply.

"Wow. You saved them." The little girl said. Melody saw her sitting a little ways away "Um...Yeah, why wouldn't I? These things are one of my tickets back to Finn." She told her. "Well, I kinda thought you would leave them behind...I mean they do remind me of little rolling bugs..." The little girl said.

Melody raised an eyebrow, but the little girl vanished, just as a Tim found a costume and a Key for her. Melody stuck the key in...and found herself 10 times smaller than before. "OH COME ON!!" She shouted. Luckily, they weren't that far from the black tree, but the steps were much more steeper in her new form.

After a few steps, Melody had made it to the top, panting and sweating from exhaustion of her climb. "O-Ok little guys...break the thing..." she panted. The Tims quickly got to work as the black tree vanished, and revealed the pink crystalline heart. Melody took the heart, and watched as her environment changed once more...

Balan Wonderworld: Melody of BalanceWhere stories live. Discover now