The Reunion

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Melody's vision was flooded by white light. The last thing she saw was Lance...and she had sang her heart out un order to ward the negativity away. She saw that she was now in a white void, with Balan and a few tims, and...

"FINN!" Melody yelled as she ran to her brother. "MELODY!" Finn screamed, running to his sister.

The siblings embraced, and held each other for a while "I missed you. SO MUCH." Melody said "I missed you too! But I got to see you go through all of those worlds! And you fought all those monsters and you sang and helped that other Balan!" He said, still hugging her. "And you look so pretty now!" Finn said, stepping back and staring at Melody's new attire. "I will admit...I wasn't expecting this." She said. 

After the two broke their hug, Balan walked forward to the two of them "The time has come, Melody and Finn. The test is complete, the challenge you did win, and now the Reward you've been waiting for..." He said, snapping his fingers as a grand door appeared. "The way out of Wonderworld. The Real World exit door." 

The doors opened on their own, revealing the town that the two of them lived in. Both kids looked on in wonder at the door, before turning back to the maestro. "Is that really the way out?" Finn asked. Balan nodded his head. "Melody's heart has been healed, her balance restored. Both are you are free to leave through that door." He said. Melody had a pensive look "Will...Will we ever see you again?" She asked.

Balan got a thoughtful look. "You haven't lived long, Your life has still begun. You have a long way to go young one. But should you feel like your heart is sinking'll know exactly where to go." He said. The kids looked at each other, before charging at Balan, and enveloping him in a hug. This warmed the maestros heart, as tears leaked from both the kids, and his eyes, dropping to the ground, and crystallized into drops.

Balan embraced the kids before gently pushing them towards the door. "Ok now, on you go...You have an audition you know..." He said. Both Melody and Finn walked to the door, but not without saying one last goodbye to Balan "Goodbye Mr Balan!" Finn said cheerfully as Melody waved "Goodbye Balan. Thank you for everything..." she said before the two of them linked hands, and walked through the door...and it all went white.

Melody blinked as she found herself sleeping on the ground near the backstage entrance of the building, while Finn was sleeping next to her. "Wha...But..." She stuttered. What a weird dream...Finn stirred next to her as he slowly woke up as well. "Melody...I had a funny dream." He slurred as he rubbed his eyes "Yeah...I did too." She said as a gentle breeze blew past them.

What a funny dream indeed...

Balan Wonderworld: Melody of BalanceWhere stories live. Discover now