Chapter 7: Defended?

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"You" Lorenzo said looking at the paintings.

And then I saw it... The dark and the light... The holding hands... Father and son...

I was quiet for the whole hour. Could he actually care about me? Was it my mother who kidnapped me? He isn't like Jack right? But at the start, Jack was loving and caring.

No. I can't think about Jack. No no. Please not again. Not in front of Lorenzo...

Third person pov

Lorenzo was mindlessly sketching trying to distract himself when he heard... breathing? It was as if the person was choking on air— Who was...?— Alex.

 He turned around and saw Alex trying to stabilize his breathing. All Al could think about was that night. The way he...

 As soon as Enzo got up from his desk. Al flinched so Enzo backed away and much to Al's surprise was actually helpful. Leo told Alex to count from 1-5 and to squeeze the pillow. Al would normally pass out or it would take an hour to help calm himself down with music but with Lorenzo's help. It took just three minutes. Wtf was the only thing Alex could think right now. Ugh, Al knew what he needed to do he needed to suck it up and apologize or...

"Better?" Leo asked. He knew what a pain-in-the-ass panic attacks were but what he didn't know was why was Al getting them. 

Al nodded his head. Why does he always have to do this? Wtf was there even to be scared about?

"So..." Enzo was the least awkward entire person in the universe but Al was changing that. Al looked at him blankly. It's not like he meant to look at him blankly it's just his trust issues and most of the time he feels numb and frustrated. So fucking frustrated.

"You hungry?" Enzo mentally face-palmed himself. He had literally just asked Al that an hour ago.

Alex sighed. He didn't want to talk—why couldn't Enzo fucking  get that?

Enzo sighed inwardly, realizing he was probably pushing too hard. He needed to give Al space, even if it meant sitting in silence together like fucking monks. But then he noticed a nod. At least it was something.

"Do you want to go down and eat something?" 

Alex nodded. 

Enzo smiled while Al rolled his eyes. They headed to the corridor and obviously, it was so elegant rich and rich. Ugh


Well fuck. I had a panic attack in front of Mr Perfect. Any way... Mr perfect dragged me to a rich ass dining room. There are my dear new uncles. Fuck I forgot their names. Meh IDGAF

Mr  Boring— I think his name is Ezra. Wait what's their surname again? There was the grumpy guy his name's...Well, I forgot to be fair he forgot his age. I'll call him Asshole. Nah, Let's call him Mr Sourpuss. And then there's the other one the one who couldn't keep his mouth shut. He was like a fucking golden retriever, I'll call him Mr. Blabbermouth. Mr Blabber had someone who looked exactly like him 

Oh, cool they're identical! The new one was glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes

"Hi! Good Morning!!" Blabber said. Why tf is he so happy?

"Hi," I said blankly I would have nodded but he didn't do anything to me to be fair neither did Ezra. I can be civil. Yeah, No maybe civilly rude.

Sourpuss and Blabber's twin rolled their eyes. Assholes. Mr. Perfect had to take an 'important call' and he was 'sorry'. 

"This is my twin..." Blabber looked at him. My new uncle sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Nolan" He grumbled out. Oh look I already forgot his name! I wanted to say fuck off you pretentious brat but Ezra interrupted me. Weird how young these people look and they're my uncles.

Nate aka Blabber hit his twin on the head for being an 'asshole'. Okay, Nate's my favorite. Why the hell does this whole family look so hot?

"Are we going to stare at each other's faces or are we going to fucking eat? " Nolon grumbled. If it wasn't for his looks you would actually know that he is an uncle due to his grandma-like personality. I'm gonna call him uncle. Fuck I'm that bored I'm giving nicknames 

"Yes let's eat and save ourselves from Nolan's ugly face," Nate said smiling mockingly sweetly at Uncle Nolan who was glaring at him. Sourpuss (Lucian) rolled his eyes and sat on the table. I was just standing there blankly looking at everything. It's not like I always like looking blankly at everything with no emotion. In school, at first, I used to fake everything but then it got too exhausting so might as well just be blank.

Ezra patted the empty seat beside him, gesturing for me to sit down like a dog. Now if I was normal and cared enough I would feel awkward but I'm fucking exhausted in a room with a bunch of strangers also my stupid headache is there 

The entire room was pin-drop silent. It was probably because of me. They went to the kitchen and served food. What was the fucking point of sitting down when you're going to get up five seconds later? It took all of my brain cells not to wince when I got up. I was wondering if I could eat when I remembered not everyone starves children. We sat in the kitchen again and my stupid brain was wondering if I could eat no one said anything when I took a bite so...

How the fuck is this food so good? I was eating really slowly because I didn't have much of an appetite and my dear uncle chose to point that out. Bitch

"Stop playing with your food and just eat" Ughh is he 18 or 2? 

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Sir" I said sarcastically. Seriously, can't they just let me eat in peace? 

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Lucian said. 

"You said he was not eating so that means he has no food in his mouth so how can he talk with his mouth full you idiot" Ezra scolded them. 

It was stupid how much I liked it. It was just a stupid simple comment but Ez defended me. I remember when I wished someone anyone would defend me but no one ever did

No, he did 

He defended me and played the angel. 

He never made me trust him

I was foolish to trust him

I'm not gonna make that mistake twice

I never said anything I just had my food and went upstairs. 

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