Shared spaces

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The neon glow of the city fades into the background as Tay and New find themselves seated at a secluded corner of the club's bar. The pulsating beats of the music provide a steady rhythm to their conversation, punctuated by shared laughter and easy smiles.

"So, New," Tay begins, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "what do you do when you're not exploring the wonders of Bangkok's nightlife?"

New's lips quirk up into a shy smile as he takes a sip of his drink, the cool liquid providing a welcome respite from the heat of the club. "Well, I'm actually an university student," he confesses, his gaze meeting Tay's with a mixture of apprehension and pride. "Studying engineering, if you can believe it."

Tay's eyebrows raise in genuine surprise, admiration shining in his eyes as he leans forward, intrigued. "Engineering, huh? That's impressive," he remarks, a note of genuine interest coloring his words. "What made you choose that field?"

New shrugs, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he fiddles with the rim of his glass. "I guess I've always been fascinated by how things work," he admits, his voice soft but earnest. "Plus, it's a stable career, you know? Something I can rely on."

Tay nods in understanding, his gaze lingering on New's profile as he takes in the earnestness in his words. "I can relate to that," he says, his tone thoughtful. "I never imagined myself working at a club, but sometimes life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?"

New's lips twitch into a wry smile as he meets Tay's gaze, a spark of understanding passing between them. "Yeah, it definitely does," he agrees, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "But hey, at least we're both here now, right? Making the most of it."

Their conversation flows effortlessly, each word a testament to the growing connection between them. As the night wears on and the club buzzes with life around them, Tay and New find themselves lost in a world of shared stories and shared dreams, their laughter ringing out like a melody in the darkness.

And as they finally bid farewell to the club's neon-lit embrace, neither can shake the feeling that their encounter was anything but ordinary. That in each other, they had found something rare and precious, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of the city.

As they step out into the cool night air, New says goodbye and leave.

Next day

New went to the hospital only to found out......

To be continued....

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