finally reaching out

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Alex's: Pov
I'm sitting here in my new living room enjoying a nice glass of bourbon. It's been a few days since l've moved into my new three bedroom penthouse apartment, l worked up the liquid courage to call Olivia
I searched through my contacts and dialed her number the phone ring several times before someone actually picked up the phone. Hello a little voice said into the receiver, can I speak to Olivia please Alex says to the child. Who shall I say is calling
The girl asks me, can you let her know it's Lex calling Alex responded. Okay hold while I see if she's done showering Noell states, mom there's a woman on the phone by the name of Lexie
Noelle stated. I hear Liv talking in the background, hi Lexie long time no hear from Olivia says to me. I'm sorry that l haven't returned your calls l just been dealing with a lot of stuff lately
Is there any way we could meet up for lunch tomorrow afternoon Alex inquires, hold on let me check my schedule from tomorrow Olivia puts me on hold
I take a sip of my acholic beverage as l lean back in the chair. Lexie l actually have off what time were you thinking about meeting up Olivia Stated
Let's make it around 12:30 at the diner we used to go to Alex feels butterflies flutter in her stomach
Okay good I'll look forward to seeing tomorrow Olivia Alex said as she ended the call, suddenly l begin panicking it's been fourteen years since l have seen Olivia. What have I gotten myself into it's too late to call and cancel
I should have thought this a little more before opening up my mouth. We have so much catching up to, l don't start work at the DA'S office for another two weeks. I know l'm gonna have to come clean to Olivia about not reaching out until now, we're too grown women. Hopefully she doesn't shut me out, after hang up the phone from my conversation with Olivia, l got up  off the couch and headed to bedroom to find something to wear for my lunch with Olivia
I know we have to comfort the elephant in the room. I know l owe her explanation for reaching out all these years, when does Olivia have a daughter the Liv l knew never wanted any children maybe there's a reasonable explanation why she never brought she was seeing anyone
I know it's none of my business who's she's dating, hopefully l didn't miss my chance with this time around. Being away in Africa help me come to terms my feelings for Olivia, even though l tried so hard to denied.

Olivia's: Pov
I can't believe Alexandra Cabot out me out to lunch. So many thoughts run through my mind on how this date with Alex is gonna play out, we haven't seen each other in years. The last time we seen each she came to new York for a visit, it seemed like she was in a hurry we didn't a chance to really talk. Maybe it was my imagination getting the best of me, we have so much to talk about. When Liz told me Alex was coming back, l didn't want to get my hopes again hopefully she'll stick around for good this time. The Alexandra l knew once upon a time ago was so into her career as a district attorney for one Hogan's place, we dated off and on then she was shot out side the bar where we went for drinks one night. I blame myself for years cause it was my job to protect her, when the doctor told me that she didn't make it cause Alex loss so much blood. I tried so hard to wrap my head around the whole situation, l had nightmares about the shooting
It took years of therapy to forgive myself for what happened that night. I haven't dated anyone in years maybe l was protecting myself for getting hurt again, only later to find out she didn't die on the operating table, Alex was whisk away to the witness protection cause the feds wanted the person that shot her to think she was dead. I felt betrayed by everyone who was end on this crazy scheme, never once did they consider l loss the love of my life. Every night l cried myself to sleep logging her
Then when I saw her again she was with another woman who wasn't me. She came over and spoke to me as if l was some stranger on the street l didn't give her the satisfaction so l left her standing there with who l was assuming her girlfriend
How she forget everything that we been though, she had the nerve to text me to stay she was sorry. I didn't bother to respond to any of her messages she left on my voicemail, l blocked her out of my mind. So many years have passed, we've gown up quite a bit

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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