first night back in the city

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Alex's: Pov
As soon as we arrive at Liz's house. I stepped out of the car and took in my surroundings
The house looks different from what I remember, Alexandra l'm gonna take your bags inside and carry them up to your old room
Liz said to me. Thanks Liz for letting me stay here Alex says to her Godmother, your my Goddaughter Alexandra you'll always have a place in my home
I know it will take you time to get readjusted. just so you know l'm always here for you Liz states
I watch her head in the house
While I stayed outside to collect myself. I never thought coming back to new York would be this overwhelming, everyone knew me as the ice princess of 1pp place. Because l was always detached, Olivia found a way to break down the invisible walls l built around my heart from letting people get to close to me
I'm nobody's daughter anymore
Since my parents have passed away. Dad died many years ago and mother passed away while I was in witness protection. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye, l wonder if she knew that I was still alive l'm sure Liz knows she's buried at cause l wanna go by the cemetery with her favorite flowers. I looked up and saw Elizabeth turned on the porch lights on, l begin walking up to the pathway. Once I entered inside the house that always made me feel safe, Alexandra is that you Liz said
Yeah Liz it's me Alex replied
I hope you don't mind l ordered some Chinese food us cause l didn't have a chance to go to the grocery store I'll go tomorrow
I put some towels and wash cloths in the guest bathroom for you. Can I offer you a glass of bourbon, it will take the edge off
I can't imagine what your going through. But trust me things will get better Liz tells me, l just nod my head. I went to take a seat on the couch, she pours me a drink in a glass. I was thinking about going to visit my mother's gravesite, do you happen to know we're she's buried at Alex asks. Oh she is at the same place where your father was laid to rest at, l can drive you there after l finished my errands Liz tells me
I take a sip of my bourbon. I don't you don't mind l told Olivia you were coming back to town
Elizabeth confesses. Liz you had no right going behind my back telling anything l was going to reach out to her on my own time
Alex says in harsh tone not realizing she's taking out her anger on the one person she's always respected, l'm sorry Liz for taking out my frustrations on you like that Alex apologizes. She  didn't reveal anything that was personal, l hope this time you won't push her away like you did the last time. Liz gives me the look, l knew what she meant
Liz l don't even know if Olivia is in a relationship with anybody
It's been fourteen years l don't expect her to put her life on hold for me besides l am not looking to jump back into the whole relationship thing just yet l have some things l need to sort through. Alex explained, whatever you say Alexandra Elizabeth replies, l think l'm gonna go up and have a shower
Let me know when the food arrives. I finished the rest of my drink, and leave out the living room and head upstairs to my old room.

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