it's all coming back to me

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Alex's: pov
I was sound asleep in my bed out of nowhere l had another nightmare again about the night l was shot coming out of the bar with Olivia and Elliot. I don't really remember what happened that night, we were talking about something, but we all were walking along the side walk out of nowhere a black van with tinted windows begin shooting from the back seat and the next thing I knew l felt the most throbbing pain hit my shoulder cause me to hit the ground pretty hard. The only thing that sticks out in my mind was hearing Olivia's voice telling me not to close my eyes and when Elliot saw that I was shot
He called the ambulance right away. I was trying to keep my eyes open, l kept hearing Liv's soft voice telling me help was on the way, she removed her coat and cover me with she kept screaming at Elliot who was on the phone with Don telling him what happened. I could hear soft noise, l decided to get up from the bed. And head downstairs to get a cold drink of water.
Liz is probably asleep in her bed
The last thing I needed was to talk Elizabeth about my feelings
Once l'm down in the kitchen
And opened up the refrigerator
Took out the pitcher of water and poured me a little bit into a glass. And put the water back in the fridge, then l took a seat on the stool. trying to process in terms of my nightmare l had a few hours ago, l'm still on fence about reaching out to Olivia
There isn't a day l don't think of her. I just sit here thinking
Alexandra what are you doing up at this hour Liz said in a groggy voice, l had a dream about the night l was shot Alex says to her Godmother Elizabeth. Oh sweetheart do you wanna talk about it Liz States, no not really
I just want to put it in the back of my mind. Alex replies, l don't think that is going to do any good eventually you're gonna have to deal with it or it will hunt you look l'm trying to tell you what's right or wrong, l know your a private person who likes to deal with things on your own Elizabeth Stated. I just don't liking talking about it, l was therapy for a whole year over it
My psychiatrist prescribe me medication for my PTSD and sleeping pills for my anxiety
I haven't had any night terrors in a long time Alex said. Elizabeth walked over to Alexandra and gave her a hug, the younger blonde tries not to break down and cry. Alex didn't wanna appear weak, she's always remained strong in times in distress. But something told her it was okay to let her guard down and let liz in, Alex cried like a baby. No words were spoken

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