Bruiseshipping Cute Headcanons

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When Cole has problems sleeping or when Jay's sad, he'll start counting Jay's freckles because he absolutely loves them.

Cole loves cats while Jay doesn't mind them.

The two cuddle a lot, especially when it's cold.

Jay and Cole bicker playfully with each other but never yell or get very mad at each other.

The two love playing little, harmless pranks on each other.

Jay gets jealous somewhat easily, especially when the person shows interest in Cole.

Jay loves burying his face into Cole's chest.

Jay loves tracing and kissing the scars on Cole's body while the two cuddle.

Cole is always gentle with Jay.

Cole's just a big, calm, grumpy teddy bear to Jay.

The two share food a lot with each other.

Cole loves giving him neck kisses since his neck is pretty sensitive.

Jay likes gently tugging on Cole's hair, just enough to where Cole can feel the tugging but not the pain, you know?

When Jay gets anxious, Cole will hug Jay from behind with words of reassurance.

Jay loves snuggling with Cole while watching movies.

Jay absolutely loves wearing short shorts around Cole because Cole gets very protective and clingy.

Jay hates doing dishes but doesn't mind cleaning, so Cole does the dishes while Jay cleans.

They both do their separate laundry since they don't want to get their clothes mixed up.

Cole loves massaging and kissing Jay's thighs, especially while cuddling and intimacy.

Cole always praises Jay during intimacy and aftercare.

Jay loves it when Cole gets very soft around him.

Jay makes sure to give Cole a lot of attention and affirmation when he needs or wants it.

When Cole gets upset or insecure, Jay always does his best to comfort him by using kisses, affirmations, or massages.

Jay loves massaging Cole's back and shoulders because he likes touching his perfect body.

Jay can get very touchy when he wants to.

Cole doesn't like being vulnerable but there's an exception when it comes to Jay.

Cole loves how clingy and needy Jay is.

Jay needs a lot of affection since he's pretty needy.

Cole loves whispering sweet nothings to Jay while and after the two have intimacy.

When the two have an argument, they always resolve the issue and make sure to never go to bed angry.

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