Cute Griffin Turner Headcanons

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I'm sorry y'all, I just love this silly man too much😭💔

Definitely loves playing with kids all the time.

Babysits kids a lot.

Sort of like a kid but in the body of a young adult.

Loves frogs and turtles for some reason and has a huge fascination with them.

Will literally date anyone, regardless of their sexuality and gender.

Honestly doesn't care if his future partner isn't the most attractive person to others, he just cares if they're cool, fun, sweet, and just the normal things in a partner (Closeted pansexual).

Has a huge soft spot for Jacob.

Loves giving everyone nicknames.

Absolutely loves teasing Cole.

Loves Zane like a brother.

Literally sleeps everywhere and anywhere.

Used to be a skater before he got his element.
Ives playing harmless pranks and knows his boundaries when doing pranks.

Loves hugging Neuro and Shade because he sees them as his elemental dads. (It's more of a joke than anything else).

Likes helping Neuro out with cleaning libraries.

Is a really smart guy yet also the dumbest.

Loves lollipops and cotton candy.

Drinks black coffee somehow.

Thinks of Mr. Pale as his elemental uncle.

Almost kidnapped a toddler on accident at a store. (Will make a one shot later explaining this one💀)

Absolutely loves ducks as well.

He doesn't like seafood that much because he's allergic to most of it.

Isn't a vegetarian but leaning a little more towards it but still eats meat.

Loves hugging his friends from behind.

On the last day of the island before they all parted ways, he gave everyone hugs, including Jacob when he found him.

He listens to One Direction all the time, especially "Kiss You, Rock Me, and What Makes You Beautiful."

Will hype up anyone that's feeling insecure about themselves.

Loves reading to kids but has a hard time reading out loud for some reason.

That's all the headcanons for this little guy for now. I might make some angst headcanons soon though.

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