Silly/Cute Kai Headcanons

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Literally a simp for almost any girl/guy he thinks is attractive.

Definitely had a crush on Cole at one point.

Reads a lot of romance books because he really wants a girlfriend/boyfriend.

Definitely bisexual and almost everyone knows it, even though he thinks he's being discreet about it.

Treats Lloyd like a baby brother since he's always wanted one.

Loves Jay a lot (as a brother of course) but doesn't like showing it.

Loves frogs for some reason, nobody knows why, even Nya.

Became kind of close to Griffin, Shade, and Neuro during the tournament of elements.

Really good friends with Mr. Pale.

Literally the perfect big spoon cuz he's always warm.

Lloyd used to sleep with him a lot when he was younger and still does.

Uses up like 100 bottles of hair gel every week-

Definitely helps with pranks when he wants to.

Loves cats.

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