Chapter Three

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Hey lovies!

I was free so here is the third chap!


Author's POV

You(skye), Millie, Minho and Jisung walk into the school and collected your new schedules for the semester.

"Skye, what have you got? Let me see!" Millie cheerfully asked you as she compared both your schedules.

"Oh noooo! We only have three lectures in the week together!" Millie wailed.

It's fine, Millie we should meet in luch break or a free lecture. Also, we have games period and health education together, right? It will be fine, don't worry, Millie." You reassured her as she gratefully smiled at you.

"She is so considerate." Minho smiles to himself as he observed and engraved that smile of yours in his heart replaying it over and over in his mind.

"What's gotten you so happy, Minho?" Jisung asked, curios.

"Oh, nothing," Minho shook it off, mentally scolding himself.

"Millie, wow! We have got most of the lectures in the week together!" Jisung exclaimed as he compared his schedule to Millie's.

Yay! Atleast I've got one of my friends with me," Millie replied, happily looking at you.

"Babe let me see your schedule" she asked for Minho's schedule.

"Aww we don't have any lectures together" Millie said.
"But look, you and Skye have so many lectures together" "Look skye!" Millie beckons you closer as you compare your schedule with Minho's.

"Now we all have lectures with our friends so none of us will be alone" Jisung said, happy.


Minho's POV

My heart jumped out of my chest as I heard Millie say that.

I tried not to go and hug Skye as she flashed that gorgeous smile at me before shyly looking away.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered wildly as she did that trick with her smile.

Now I'm seriously looking forward to this....


Him and I (fem!readerxLee Minho)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt