Chapter 5

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Rose's POV:

It's the next morning and I woke up to someone playing with my hair. "Morning princess." Alessandro said to me with a deep morning voice. "Morning Aless." We stayed there laying down for a bit longer and then we decided to get ready for the day. I went to my room took a shower and than put on some leggings and a hoodie that I stole form Marco. When I walked into the kitchen I saw all my brothers were there along with Matteo. "Morning. Hi Mat." I greet them and took a seat next to Luca. "Morning fiore." Matteo respond. "Rose what do you want to eat." Ivano asked. "I'm not really hungry. I'll eat later." I told him. "Just don't forget to ok?" He said as he kissed me in the head." You smell really good piccolo." He told me. "Thank you." I say smiling at him. After that the boys were talking about some work stuff, and I just spent some time texting to my friends. Then I decided to go to the backyard to call mom a little.

Rose: "Hey mom, how are you?"
Mom:" Hey baby, I'm good how are you?"
Rose:" I'm good. How are things going?"
Mom:" It's going pretty good sweetie. But we still got so much stuff to do. We will be here for a bit longer."
Rose:" I really miss you mom. How's dad?"
Mom:" He's good he isn't here for the moment but he will call later."
Rose:" It's ok mom"
Mom:" Ok honey I have to go now talk to you later. I love you baby."
Rose:" I love you too mom. Bye"

After talking to mom I just set there lost in thoughts. I really miss my parents. But now the spring brake will be over and I have to go back to school things might be easier, I will be busier with school. And to be honest I can't wait to go back to school to see all my friends. The only thing is that Marco and Luca go to the same school as me and trust me it's not the best thing. They are on my head all the time. They will practically beat up everyone that looks wrong at me. Well at least is better then when Alessandro was there. After that I decided to go in to get a little snack, I'm not in the mood for a lecture from Martin. I walked into the kitchen, only Luca was there. I got a snack and set next to him." Hi bellissima. You ok?" He asked me." Yeah just miss mom and dad." I said looking down. He just looked at me and give me a smile.

We chatted some more and then I decided to go to just walk around the house. As I was walking I passed down Martins office. I heard him taking how I assumed was with Matteo, Ivano and Alessandro. "How is this even possible? How is he here again?" He sounded frustrated. I didn't want to ears drop but I was curious to know what is going on. "We can't let Rosalina know about this." Ivano said. What? What is going on? "Of course we won't let her know about this. She will be terrified." Terrified of what? Now I'm starting to panic. "That maniac is going to come for her. He will try and get her again. " Matteo said. "That can't happen. I will kill him if I need to. We can't let him get her again." Alessandro said nearly yelling. Just then I realize who they where talking about. It can't be. How? It's getting hard to breathe. He can't be back! I just throw the door open "Victor's back? " I asked panicked. They all turned so fast looking at me. "Rose what are you doing here?" Martin asked me. "Please tell me that this is a joke?" "Rose calm do-" "Oh my God." I started to loose balance. Alessandro rushed and holds me. "Rose please calm down. Breathe baby breathe." He tells me as he cups my face in his hands and locks eyes with me. I just look at him and nodded my head. He hugged me and I just stand there shocked. "Rose" Martin called me and I just looked at him. "I promise you he can't get to you. He will not take you away from us again. I promise you that." I didn't say anything but just nodded at him again. "Come one let's get you to your room so you can get some rest." Alessandro took me to my room and stayed with me till I felt asleep.

After a couple hours later Luca woke me up. I went down and walked into the dining room. The boys where all there. I set down and a plate of pasta as served to me. But I didn't even touch it. "Rose baby please eat something you haven't eaten anything at all today." Martin said to me. "I'm not hungry Martin. Please don force me to." I say looking at him. "Rose please you have to eat something. It's bad for your health." Ivano said joining the conversation. "I'm not hungry. " I just say and try not to argue any more. "Oh and for that that happened today. I don't care that Victor is back. I'm not afraid of him. I'm not going to live my life scared and always hiding. I'm not a child anymore. If I have to I will fight him and kill him with my bare hands." I say getting mad. I don't know what got into me but I just can't let this take me down again. It happened once and it broke me, I'm not letting this happened again. My brothers where all staring at me, they looked shocked from what I said. But I can see that they are proud. "And we will be here to protect you our sorellina." Alessandro said smiling at me. "Martin I want you guys to train me. To teach me how to fight, how to defend my self." I say looking at him, knowing Martin he wouldn't agree with me. He doesn't want me in any of this kind of stuff, he wants me to be his little baby sister for ever but I need this. Martin sighed and than looked at me. "We will see about this Rose. Now eat your dinner." Well it's batter than denying my request.

After we where done with the food we decided to have a movie night. I put my pj's on and went down. I sit next to Alessandro and cuddle up to him. He puts a blanket over us and we decided to watch "Uncharted" but I felt asleep halfway through it.


Hi guys here is the new part please let me know how you like it. Have a good day/night ❤️

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