Chapter 1 

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Rosalina's POV :

"Do you really have to go?" I asked my mom hugging her tight. "Rose you know we have to." "But how will I survive with these devils?" I said to her looking at her. "Watch it little missy " my oldest brother said. "See they already started making my life hell" "Rose please behave and you will be fine. We aren't going forever is just a couple of months " Dad said and give me a big hug. "I'll miss you guys" I told him hugging him tight. "Okay we have to go now. Pleas kids behave, listen to your brother he is in charge. And please don't kill each other " Dad told us as he let go of me and hugs my brothers.

It's been like one hour since mom and dad left and I already miss them. As long as they are away Martin is in charge, that's the worst thing ever. Martin is so bossy and he gets mad quick, he is alarm the most protective brother so he is going to be very strict. Don't ask how I know, because I know.

As I was scrolling through my phone with nothing better to do some knocked at my door. "Come in" I yell from inside. "Dinner is ready." My brother Alessandro said. "I'm not hungry." I reply to him not even looking at him. "Martin want's everyone to be there he has something to discuss about" Oh grate. The thing that I hate the most is when Martin is in charge I mentioned it earlier, want to know why? He is going to put rules that we all have to follow. Except Ivano he is just like Martin, so is the both of them in charge. "I'll be there in a second " He nodes and walks away. I give my phone a one last look and then put it in my pocket.

Walking towards the kitchen I hear all my brothers talking to each other. I walked in and sat down in my chair not saying anything. "Now that Rose is here to we can start eating. And I have something to discuss about" Martin said as we all started eating. Well the others did but I just played with my food. "So you all know that mom and dad left me in charge, so I want you guys to behave. Dad gave me the permission to ground you, but I don't think I'll need that. From now on you have to ask me if you want to go out or anything." He said looking at me, Luca and Marco. I decided not to say anything and didn't even look at him, the thing he hates the most. But he doesn't say anything. "You also have to ask me if you want to bring anyone home." Is he for real? Do we have to ask him for promotion to breath to? But again I remained silent. "If anyone has any questions feel free to ask." No one talks.

After a while I'm still playing with my food lost in my thoughts "Rose stop playing with your food and eat it" Martin said. "I'm not hungry " I really not looking at him. "To bad, you have to finish it, you know what mom said." He said clearly annoyed that I'm not looking at him. "You can't force me to eat." I replied. "Come on Rose eat your food." Ivano said. Like I'm going to listen to you. "I'm not hungry so I'm going to my room." I said and stand up. "Sit down and finish that plate." Martin said racing his voice a little. "Martin please let me go I'm not hungry I just want to sleep." I said to tired to argue with him. He looked a little surprised from my response, so he just sighed. "I'm letting you slide just this once. Good night." He said "Good night " I reply and went to my room.

It's now the next morning. 8 Am . I took a shower and went down for breakfast. Walking in the kitchen I see Alessandro drinking coffee." Morning " I say almost whispering." Morning" Yehh he isn't really a morning person. So am I. After eating some cereal I walked out in the garden to breathe some morning air. I decided to text my mom to see if they arrived yet.

Rose:" Hi mom. Did you arrive yet?"
Maria:" Hi sweetie. Yes we arrived late at night. How are you? How is it going "
Rose: "I'm fine. It's been ok but I really miss you guys"
Maria:" We miss you to sweetie. Sorry but I have to go now. Talk to you later. Love you "
Rose:" Bye mom. Love you too."

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Alessandro sitting next to me. I put my head on his shoulders not saying a word. "You ok princessa?" He asked looking down at me. "Yeah just miss mom and dad. Don't know when they are coming back. And actually I'm kinda scared what will happened " "Why would you be scared? It's everything all right?" He asked worried. "Nothing's wrong, it's just that now Martin is in charge. He won't let me do anything " he sighed. "You know he only does this for your own good" "Yeah I know but .... he gets really mad if we do something wrong. He won't let us hang out with our friends " I said sadly "It'll be ok I promise " I don't say anything else but just stay there. Soon after we walked inside and decided to watch a movie.


Hi guys this is the first chapter hope you enjoyed it. Don't hesitate to leave any comments. Love you all ❤️

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