Chapter 1 - Start of a New Friendship

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Joey smiled wide as he walked towards the hospital, his arms behind his head. Today was going to be the first appoint for Serenity's eyes, the check up and planning stage. Today would be the first time since he's seen his sister in years and he was so excited. The only thing that made him nervous was possibly seeing his mother again, but it was all for Serenity, who he'd do anything for.

Joey walked into the hospital and walked up to the counter. "Has a Serenity Wheeler shown up yet?" he asked the nurse behind the counter. The nurse gave him a small smile as she started typing on her computer. "She has, she's just been taking to a room for her check up, may I ask who you are?" she asked politely. Joey gave her a wider smile as he leaned a little over the counter. "I'm Joseph Wheeler, her older brother." he said. The nurse nodded her head. She asked a few more questions to add to Serenity's folder and Joey patiently answered.

"Alright, that's all I need. She'll be in room A-23." the nurse said as she pointed towards the door that lead to the patient rooms. Joey gave her a smile and a wave before heading further into the hospital. His heart beat frantically as he moved closer to the room that held his sister. He was so excited to finally see her again after so long. He tried to ignore the nervous feeling he also felt about seeing his mother, he was here for Serenity, he couldn't let her see him nervous.

Joey stood before the door to A-23 and took a deep breath before knocking gently. "Who is it?" came a familiar. Joey smiled wide as he opened the door and stepped inside. "Its me! Joey!" he greeted as he finally laid his eyes on his sister. He was greeted with a bright smile as Serenity turned to face her brother. "Joey! I'm so happy to see you again!" she said as she went up to him and hugged him tightly. Joey closed his eyes as he held his sister close, enjoying the feeling of being with her again. "I missed you so much big brother!" she said as she squeezed him before pulling back to smile up at him. "I'm missed you too sis. Are you ready to get your eyes fixed!" he said, excitement filling his heart. Serenity nodded her head as she pulled away and sat down on the hospital bed. "I can't believe you were able to find the money to get me the operation!" Serenity said joyfully. Joey smirked as he rubbed the side of his nose. "Well, I couldn't just sit by when my little sister needed my help."

"It was very noble of you to win that money for your sister." a new voice spoke. Joey flinched at the sound of the voice as he turned, finally noticing the other person in the corner. Surprisingly, it wasn't his mother. Instead he saw a girl his age, standing awkwardly in the corner of the room. "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your reunion." the girl said bashfully. "Oh! Joey, this is my friend, (Y/n)! She brought me here, mom got held up at work today." Serenity said as she turned to face her friend. "(Y/n), this is my older brother Joey!"

The (h/c) haired girl walked up to Joey, holding her hand out to him. "Serenity has told me so much about you. I feel like I've known you for a long time." she said with a sweet smile. Joey smiled back at her as he took her hand and gave it a firm shake. "I'm glad to here that Serenity has a good friend willing to help her out." he said honestly.

"This is perfect that you two got to meet actually!" Serenity piped up with a cheerful smile. Joey turned to look at her, tilting his head to the side. "It is?" he asked. "Of course, (Y/n) will be moving into Domino City soon actually! I'm glad that she'll have a friend to look out for her before she moves, she'll be going to your school actually Joey!" Serenity said as she took her friends hand in both of hers. "Really, well, any friend of Serenity is a friend of mine." Joey said with a wide smile. "I feel bad having to leave Serenity, but my folks got a new job opportunity in the city so I have no choice but to move." (Y/n) said with a small sigh. "Its a good thing your parents let you out often, huh (Y/n)!" Serenity said with a wide smile. (Y/n) chuckled as she ruffled the younger girl's hair. "Yeah, good thing huh, I'll still visit you as often as I can."

Joey smiled softly as he watched the two, he felt so happy seeing that Serenity had such a good friend looking out for her while he couldn't be there for her. Serenity smiled as she turned to look at Joey. "Its kinda funny actually. (Y/n) has always reminded me of you Joey." Joey tilted his head to the side as he pointed at himself. "Me? How?" sure, he'd just met this girl and didn't really know her that well. But he didn't see how she could remind Serenity of him that much. "She became my friend not long after I moved away with mom. She's always been there for me like you used to be, she's kinda been like an older sister to me! She's also very brave and headstrong like you Joey!" Serenity said, causing the older girl to blush bashfully. "It's nothing, you were so sad because you had to leave your brother. I couldn't let those other kids pick on you for crying at the playground." (Y/n) said as she ruffled Serenity's hair again.

"If that's the case, then we'll definitely be good friends. Same goes for my other friends, I know you'll get along with them too." Joey said as he wrapped his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. The girl chuckled as she wrapped her arm around his waist. "You don't have to do that for me Joey, but I appreciate the thought!" Joey smirked as he used his other hand to ruffle her hair. "I'm serious, my friends are gonna love you. Any friend of Serenity's is a friend of mine, and any friend of mine is a friend of theirs!"

The (h/c) haired girl stared up at him with a soft smile. This guy was pretty loud and honesty, not at all like how Serenity is. But he definitely has her kind heart. Maybe moving into the city wouldn't be so bad after all.

Soon the doctor showed up and gave Serenity her check up and they were able to set up a date for the operation. The three exited the hospital in the early afternoon. "I'll see you again the day of the operation Serenity, I promise." Joey said as they walked next to each other. "I can't wait big brother!" Joey smiled before looking at her friend. "And I'll see you on Monday?" the girl just gave him a simply nod. "Great! I'll be sure to tell my friends about you so you'll be met with a warm welcome at our school!" he said excitedly. The girl giggled as she waved him off. "Again Joey,  you really don't have to do that." "Don't be daft, I want to. You've been there for Serenity when I couldn't be, this is the only way I can think to repay you." he said with a small smile. The girl smiled back at him as she took Serenity's hand in hers. "If that's the case, then I can't wait to see  you again Joey. Maybe we can see Serenity together whenever I go to visit her." she said as they started to walk in the opposite direction. "That's be great! I'll see you guys later!" he yelled before turning away to head towards the train station. The smile never left his face the whole way home or the rest of the day after. Serenity was going to keep her sight and they had a mutual friend! Everything was going perfectly.

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