8:45 am

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"America, when did you get here?" The EU asked expressionlessly, leaning against the banister as she waltzed down the stairs the next morning.

Shrugging, Ame (now in a tartan kilt and a tank top) answered, "A while ago... Can we talk?"

"...Go ahead, USA."

"I'm... I'm sorry, European Union. I ruined everything, I became to focused of my own anger and fear and I ignored the most precious thing to me. But, I've learned from my mistakes and I want to be better for you, I want to make things right..." Ame took a deep breath, finally gazing up into the EU's eyes. Her gaze wasn't hostile, but it wasn't the adoring one that they had once held for each other either. "Can you forgive me?"

"Well," The EU breathed, not breaking eye contact and speaking in an almost business-like, professional tone, "I've missed you, I must admit, and I understand why you did what you did... You. Get. One. More. Chance. Don't wreck it, sweetie." Her face broke into a mischievous smile as she said this, kissing Ame's cheek swiftly and winking as she sauntered off into the kitchen.

She. Was. Perfect...

"США... A quarter of your mother told me you were here," came a calm, mildly amused Russian voice.

"I- Yeah- Um... Morning, USSR," The USA blundered, trying their best to fake a relaxed smile, but betraying the act by flinching every time the USSR took a step down the staircase towards him.

Supressing a grin, the USSR offered the American his hand, whispering, "I'm glad you are not hostile as you were... But you want me gone, да?"

"I... Да- I mean... Yes- You can't stay forever, Mr. USSR."

"I understand you will tolerate me until after the wedding?"

"That was the agreement."

"Ok. I think that is fair." The USSR nodded, following the EU into the kitchen with a casual shrug.

"Good, pleasure doin' busine-"

Without warning, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Ame's waist, causing them to jump slightly, until they realised exactly who had attached themselves to them.

"Hi, Mom!"

"Ame!" Britain whispered, smiling up at her child, "I've missed you..."

"I've missed you too... How are you? I was told you-"

"Weren't well," Brit nodded, utterly ashamed of herself :( and irritated at Northern Ireland's excuse. "I'm fine, Ame. I was just... Overwhelmed, that's all."

"Ok," Ame muttered, not quite believing her, but knowing better than to press the issue. "Oh, and when's the wedding~?"

Now grinning and at ease, the UK giggled, "We have to be quick, so next Monday!"

"That really is quick... Anyway, congrats!"

"Awh, thank you! I know this hasn't been easy for you..."

"Yeah, but it's ok if you're happy with him... And..."

"Are you ok, Ame?" Britain asked, tilting her head as she inspected her child.

"Yeah, just... I have a girlfriend-"

"OOOH!" Britain squeaked, "WHO?"

"Me," The EU smiled sheepishly, slipping her hand through Ame's.

"Wow," Britain blinked, not quite sure what to make of this particular pairing (The Tea-Is-Fish-Food Couple as I call them when I'm planning this mentally), "Look after each other... If you're happy, so am I..."

"Thanks, Mom!" Ame smiled, hugging the EU and UK simultaneously.

"Unity is a beautiful thing," The UK answered, smiling in return.

"Speaking of which-"

"I'm not re-joining, EU."



"What was that?"

"Nothing, dear!"


"Well, you never know... I could be yours again in fifty years or I could be dead and you could have Scotland! Anything could happen!"

"You're bonding again quickly!" Ame chuckled.

"I wouldn't go that far, son."


"Yet indeed, my dear."

'Son'... Ame really needed to make up their mind, didn't they? Oh well, all in good time, they supposed.

"Wow, they're actually talking!" Germany remarked, observing the scene, "I haven't seen that in a while! Maybe miracles do happen."

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