Chapter 4: Barny Rubble

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"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

I shifted and clocked everyone about the clearing. I grinned slightly and give tem a wave.

"Alright, cheers!" I felt like a blooming  weight had been lifted off me. Well least I ain't in no trouble.

"appy Birthday, Hayley. Love!" Pabby came toward me and grabbed me hands tightly. "You're six years old. And you make us all so proud, lovely!"

I was so baffled as to why. "How did I made you proud?"

Mum popped round and gave us a grin. "Reckons you've made the correct choice and going to Aunty instead of blowing your top. Well this time."

"Wait, that why the ruckus going on?" I questioned.  "I went down to the Forest, yeah?"

"Na, darling!" Me old dear grabbed hold of me. "It's your bleeding bithday is why."

I grinned and gave her a cuddle. "Missed ya, Mum! You alright?"

Mother sighed. "Honestly, I'm still a bit harmed. But it ain't your fault."

"Blimey! I'm sorry!" I looked at my feet.

Dad hugged me tight. He gave a look to Mum.

"Ay, love!" He said. "We can't ruin it for her. Not today. And not after the news we have just heard."

"What, News?" I started feeling shaky. "What What news? Have I missed something? What is it?"

"It don't need to be known at the moment, Love!" Mum give me a cuddles.

She seemed proper white. Pabby come to us.

"Oi your majesty," he said kindly. "Pack up your worries."

"Unable to help it, sorry!" Mum said.

"Hey just have a bubble!" he said. "You be able to worry bout all that news and stuff later, not now!"

"I suppose you're spot on," Mum had a right grin.

He bumbled off for a tick. I sussed he fancied a bit of a natter with us.

"Birthday, Hayley!" Mum give me a smacker on me face.

"Cheers," I grinned.

"Ah, Princess! Open up you arms please!" Dad asked.

Done that. Then me old man shoved something ight in me arms. It was all moving. What on earth was it?

"Ay," I did felt nervy. "Was it?"

I ain't had me glasses on my face today.

"Bring it open, Sweetie!" Mum said. "It ain't no cat. Though I'm sure it's just as lovely as one!"

I opened it and Blimey, I let out a right gobsmaked gasp. There was this Black, White and Brown dg puppy looking right up at me. Her peepers were so brown I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my! Doggo!" I let out a right giggle.

I kneeled down and lifted the little animal out the cage she was in.

"She proper cute, ain't she!" I said. "Alright!"

The mutt had a butchers clocking Cheyanne and giving her a wave with her trotter.

"Hey up, Hayley!" Came a small and cute voice.

I looked at the moggie.

"Oi, did you speak love?" I questioned the pup.

"That I did!" Barked the new dog.

"Hayley. Happy Birthday love!" Yapped Cheyanne trotting to us.

Me cousin and Tyrell come round and give me a cuddle with the new dog.

"Hay, you see what colour she is, yeah?" Asked cousin cuddling me.

"Brown white and black like Cheyanne?" I asked her.

"Righto!" Spoke Tyrell. "I missed you much, Sister!"

I grinned. "I missed you much as well, Bruv! But you know I had to do it!"

"What for?" Tyrell asked me.

I took a breath before speaking. "I done me Mum in!"

"Oh I know you did!" Said Cousin. "Me mum made me come here to help calm your mum down!"

She were thirteen and and cared for me when I was just a two year old and she was only a nine year old! And she were part of the family! Some say she wasn't because she was adopted. But when you're adopted, you're part of the family. You just don't have the same parents as the parents that adopted you. Her birth parens abandoned her when she was a new born outside the castle walls. She went well with the royal life and learned to help me and Tyrell. Like helpign us learn. She was helping me and Tyrell learn to Read and sing. And ride horses.

"What may I call her?" I asked.

"How but Wally?" Asked Tyrell.

"Hey! That is a boys moniker! It don't suit her, bro!" I cuddled him even though he didn't like it.

"Er... What about Daisy?" Asked me cousin.

"Oh! I love that! Daisy!" I giggled. "Though it is a funny name!"

Me, Tyrell and my cousin started giggling about the name. "Daisy! Well. I mean it is kinda a dog name!"

"I love it!" Said the dog.

Her beautiful eyes stared into my soul. What a great dog she was! So understanding and comforting too!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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