Chapter 3: Me Birthday treat

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"Yeah, Love!" Auntie gave me a pat on the head. "I'm always with you, Darling. Is there anny reason I wouldn't be?"

I grinned. I did know she was bang on.

"Ain't got a clue!" I fessed up to nibbling me lips.

Aunty gave me a hug. "I do want to move back here. Though me powers are  well strong."

"But how strong they are?" I was well intrigued.

"Much more stronng then yours," sighed Aunty. "And I belong there apparently."

"Though you do belong here as well, right?" I asked.

"Oi despise it without your mum," said Auntie. "Though that's how it must be."

I gave a nod. "Though why mine isn't as strong?"

"I got no clue!" Aunty sounded proper upset.

I had no idea what to do now.

"Um, Aunty?" I gave it a go.

I saw them tears and looked to her. She pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm proper hurting being away from your mum, honey." She said. "She ain't just me sis. She's so much more to me. And I am worried. Dark forces are coming for the kingdom. I'm well scared for you and this Kingdom, Love."

"Wait, what bad forces and things?" I was baffled.

"Just some old foes." Aunty was starting to calm. "Need to give your parents a warning about this."

I looked to her. "Old foes? Who?"

Aunties did not say anything. She just walked away.

"Stay where you are, Love." She said to me.

I gave a nod and watched as she went. Then I clocked Sven and Cheyanne. What they up to? Tyrell and Joyce were there as well. I wanted to have me own pet. Kind as Sven. Sven's proper dad's, but he allows me and Tyrell to hang out with him when he is in the Kingdom. Joyce caught sight of me and went red. Though I didn't even glance her way. I was well baffled.

"Oi Hayley, Love?"

I looked to se me dad walking over. I grinned. "Dad."

Father proper squeezed me tight. "Alright my little girl. How's it going?"

"Safe," I looked at him. "You good, Dad?"

 Da grinned. "I'm alright, yeah," he said messing with my hair. "You proper look like you mum, innit. But also like me."

"Dad," I spoke.

Dad gave a nod. I had the word in me head.

"What's all this then?" I asked.

"Come along with me," Dad grabbed me hand. "We're having a stroll."

I grabbed his hand and grinned. "To what place?"

"Just chill out and that love," said dad with a smile.

He proper sounded buzzing. I saw Joyce and Tyrell going off with the animals. Was they in on the sly, as well?


Soon, me and me Dad reached a area. I knew it straight away. It was Father's family's place. But what's the deal?Why we are here now?

"Dad?" I turned and look at him. "What the deal? Why we here?"

"Don't stress!" Dad gave me a hug. "You're not in no trouble, okay?"

I sighed in happyness. Last time I come to this place, I was given a right telling off by Grate Grandpabbe for losing me rag with Mum and Dad. Also is the reason I go to Auntie sometimes.

"Whats the day, Honey?" Questioned dad.

i shrugged."Er, I don't have a clue."

Father done a signal to persons I couldn't see.

"Dad?" I was proper scared now. What's all this about?

"Four ... Three ... Two ... One!" Father counted down. Why?

"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"



What will  happen next?

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Also, so sorry about not updating it for like a Month? I had writers block on this one again. 

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