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such a scary thought.

many people have thought about it.

many have attempted.

many have succeeded.

when you start thinking about it,

it seems like such a heavenly escape.

a gift.

no one really knows what comes after death.

all we know—or think we know—is that it's easier.

it's safer.

than our reality.

death seems amazing.

it would end the suffering.

but what if what comes after death

isnt peace.

isnt happiness.

isnt safety.

we'll never know until we try, right?


it's scary.

death is scary.

please don't attempt it.

imagine what your loved ones will think?

what if they blame themselves?

im always here if you need help.

someone to talk to.

i love each and every one of you.

realityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin