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love is such a word.

it makes no sense to our brains,

does it?

it's like a pit,

sometimes it's excitement

sometimes it's worry

we never know.

but we know,

that it either feels wonderful

or it feels like you're trapped.

they both feel...

i don't know.

ive been in both situations.

it's like what ive described before,


and burning.

being trapped feels like the drowning.

burning feels like the wonderful one.


you're willingly being burnt.

you're basking in it.

drowning is against your will.

you're trying to get out.

but there's also an in between,

when you're on a beach.

in the hot sun.

trying to tan.

but you know you're getting a sun burn.

but it feels soothing at the moment.

what i call this one,

is excitement.

you're excited in the moment.

happy, calm

but when you go home.

you're stressed and in pain.

im currently in a mix of the excitement

and the wonderful.

i understand that they can't like me all the way,

and im not even sure if i can like them all the way.

but it feels like i can.

im anxious about everything,

so im trying to hide.

but every time i think about them

it just brings me back.

reminds me,

im temporary.

ive gotta live in the moment.

or else why is it worth it?


wherever you are.

i hope for you all the good.

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