1943: James Buchanan Barnes

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"Steeeevie." I ran up to my brother and pulled him into a tight hug. "How are you doing? You are looking so good! How is the training going? Can you do more push-ups now? And have you..."
"Slow down, Con," he laughed and patted me lightly on the shoulder.
"Sorry, I'm just so glad to see you."
It had been far too long since I'd last seen Steve. But now that would change, because I had been hired as a doctor. My training wasn't over yet, but there weren't enough specialized people here. Besides, I was good at my job, which is why an exception was made.

Steve was several years older than me but he was only a few inches taller than me, even though I was already very small. I used to tease him about it, but now I was just happy to be with him.

"Steve Grant Rogers, get your ass over here," an older officer called out. "I'm Colonel Phillips. You must be Connie Rogers, right? Steve's little sister."
I gave him a friendly nod. "Yes, sir."
He smiled and held out his hand, which I shook. "It's nice to meet you. You're welcome to watch the training if you like. Maybe the soldiers will finally make an effort."
I couldn't refuse this offer. I watched Steve as he desperately tried to do a few push-ups. Then I let my eyes wander over the other men. They were all much bigger and stronger than Steve. I really felt sorry for him, it had to be so hard.
I particularly noticed a young man with brown hair who was doing the push-ups with ease. Colonel Phillips looked delighted. "Very good, Barnes. You can stop now. The others keep going."
Now the soldier noticed my gaze and winked at me with a broad grin. I quickly looked to the side to hide the fact that I was blushing. But of course he had noticed and started laughing, which only made me feel even more insecure.

All of a sudden he came running towards me. "Hi, little one." I rolled my eyes. "Hello, soldier."
"My name is James Buchanan Barnes but my friends call me Bucky."
"Hello James," I replied, amused. He laughed and sat down next to me.
"Why did you turn so red?"
I stared at him with wide eyes. "I did not."
"Oh yes you did, little one."
"Shut up."
He looked at me with his mouth hanging open and said in a husky tone "It's not proper for a lady to speak like that. I need to have a serious word with Steve."
"Will you leave me alone then?"
He thought for a moment. "Never."
Even though I didn't want to admit it, I liked Bucky. I actually liked him a lot. Almost too much.

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