3. Bucky!

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Even though I had absolutely no idea where Bucky was, I walked impatiently through the streets. There were people everywhere, so I quickly lost track of where I was.
I turned into a small side street to catch my breath when I suddenly saw a man. He was wearing a mask that covered half of his
face, but I recognized him immediately by his metallic arm. My heart was racing and the desire to be close to him grew with every second that passed.
I was just about to pluck up the courage to speak to him when he ran off. I quickly followed him so as not to lose sight of him.
As I turned the corner, I was suddenly pushed against the wall by a cold, hard object. The metal arm closed my throat. I looked into the blue eyes in which I always lost myself, but this time his gaze was no longer full of love but only hate and something I couldn't interpret.
"Who are you and what do you want?" he asked with a rough voice. I was so confused by the situation that I forgot how to speak. His grip tightened so that I lost my breath. "Bu... Bucky?"
His grip loosened, but only tight enough so that I couldn't escape. "Who the hell is Bucky? You're the second person to call me that."
I looked at him sympathetically. He really didn't remember his name, just like Steve had said.
"Bucky please, that hurts." He carefully pulled his arm away without taking his eyes off me. "Get out of here and I'll spare you, girl."
"It's me, Connie."
"I don't know any Connie."
Suddenly, I saw Steve come running around the corner. Without hesitation, Bucky had his arm around my throat again. "So, you're working with him. I guess I'll have to eliminate you then."
"Let her go!" ordered Steve, gun pointed at Bucky's head. "Go away Steve. I've got everything under control." But he didn't believe me. "It doesn't look like it, Con."
Bucky gave Steve an evil look, then disappeared down another alley.
"Great, now he's gone. Because of you." I rolled my eyes at Steve. It was sweet of him to protect me, but I also wanted to handle my own stuff.
"I told you not to go alone."
"And I told you I'm not a little kid anymore."
"Let's go back," he suggested, but I twisted my arms in front of my chest.
"No. I will look for Bucky and he will remember me again. I'll think of something."
"Don't be silly. He was just about to kill you."
I sighed and turned my back to Steve. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Con. Let's go home. We can't do anything."
"Do you know how much it hurts? To see the man, you see above everything else in the world without him remembering you."
I took a deep breath. "It is almost unbearable. I have to see him again Steve. I just have to. And if I don't succeed next time, then I will let him go."
Steve nodded and gave me a slight smile. "Okay. But I'll accompany you."

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