Siege of the Royal Palace

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Peace Island Soldier: We need backup immediately!!!

Peace Island Commander: They've breached the palace gates!!! We're holding them off but not for long!!!

Peace Island Soldier 2: This is the Royal Palace Guards Battalion, we are under attack!

Peace Island Solider 3: We are pulling back to the throne room, over!

Peace Island Commander 2: All units, make break for the throne room!!!

Mercenary: They are pushing back! Move in!!!

Mercenary 2: Capture the throne room

Battle Drone: Roger that!!! Deploying drones!!!

Battle Drone: Roger that!!! Deploying drones!!!

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(Omnica Corporate Battle Platform)

Peace Island Solider: We are leaving over!!!

Peace Island Solider 2: RUN!!!

Peace Island Solider 2: RUN!!!

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