Chapter 6: Insomnia

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3rd POV

Y/N stares at the Herrscher of the Void in his room, surprisingly relaxed. The Herrscher slowly floats towards Y/N, who's just sitting on the side of his bed.

HoV: Human. Your presence was irritating as it is. However, your recent actions have put blocks in my plans.

Y/N: Oh, what a shame. Unfortunately, I can't let you take over Kiana completely. It would be quite problematic if you were allowed to just roam free with full control, hm?

HoV: Are you defying me, human? Must I showcase the power difference between you, a regular man, and me, a Herrscher?

Y/N: No need. I am fully aware that you could kill me with the snap of your fingers if you wished. Which makes me curious. Why not do it? You have me here at your mercy. People are asleep, I have no defense, and I'm stuck in this room.

HoV: Hmph. As expected, you're incredibly observant. Good job. If you want to know why I haven't killed you...

Suddenly, HoV appears right in front of Y/N.

HoV: It's because you have peaked my interest. You're seemingly fearless personality, your high intelligence, and your lost combines into a very intriguing subject to watch. If you don't want me to have control over this idiotic host, then I'll simply just make a deal with you. You should feel honored. I, the Herrscher of the Void, have complimented you, and offered you a deal. With this deal, you will provide me intel and information about this world, the humans, and anything else that will get in my way. In return, you will live like a king, ruling over a world which is fully in your grasp. All the knowledge contained in this world will be yours. We can

Y/N: A very interesting deal...

HoV: It is, isn't it?

Y/N:...but I decline.

HoV: Hehe, of course you...wait what?!

HoV's golden eyes light up, and several void spears appear all around Y/N.

HoV: You...decline this offer?! My generous offer, one that will make you a king. Declined?!

Y/N: Yes. Please clean your ears because repeating gets annoying.

HoV: You...INSOLENT HUMAN. Why do you reject?! So much to gain, and almost nothing to lose! These people you consider friends? Bah, who needs them. All that matters is power, and I can grant that to you! This weak, frail body of yours? I can turn it into something that no one can stop, something that-

Suddenly Y/N presses his pointer finger against the Herrscher's lips, confusing and silencing her. Y/N stares up at the Herrscher with a small smile, and says:

Y/N: Hehe. Surprised? It's simple. I turn down your deal for two reasons. One, these people around me...Himeko, Theresa, Mei, Bronya, Istina, Kosuzu, Kiana...I've grown to feel connected to them. Whether I like it or not, I've gotten very close with them. For me to throw away their lives for power...would simply be an unforgiveable action. Two, this frail body of mine? It's a pain, yes, but...I simply see this as a challenge. Some people are born with unfortunate attributes, whether that be a missing leg, blindness, paralyzation, or weakness, and are still able to achieve great things. These things we can't control, there is no use in weeping over it. It's just a sad truth of the world. You can't control many things, you can only live with it, and work around it. This frail body of mine? A mere obstacle in my quest for knowledge, for wisdom. I won't let it stop me from achieving the dreams I hold so dear to my heart.

Y/N removes his finger from her lips, and HoV stares at him with silence.

HoV: Tch.

The spears disappear from around Y/N, and HoV crosses her arms.

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