Chapter 9-Time and Again

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[USS Voyager, Civeema's quarters]

Lt. Commander T'Rina Semara was getting ready, she pinned some of her deep red hair to the side, so she was able to see, Sam Wildman had already picked T'Pel up, it was pretty obvious to anyone who paid attention that Tom Paris was T'Pel's father.

T'Pel looked exactly like him, well she actually looked like her aunt Elsa who's Tom's twin, ever since they were children people remarked at how Elsa and Tom looked exactly alike and that didn't change as they got older.

T'Pel of course had never met either of her aunts, Lauren Paris was the oldest, when T'Rina left with T'Pel for that undercover mission in the Maquis, she heard Lauren had become a Captain and Elsa, became a Commander. T'Pel had only met paternal and maternal grandparents over a call, as T'Rina liked having the whole family togther but ever since Tom and T'Rina split up, their families seemed to only argue relentlessly, they even argued over T'Pel's last name, which was made Paris but it was never used.

Snapping out of her thoughts, T'Rina headed to the Ten Forward, the Captain had banned T'Rina from entering the Bridge without eating first, a condition T'Rina reluctantly agreed to.

[Ten Forward]

It seemed B'Elanna had been threatened with being banned from Engineering until she ate food, like T'Rina, so after getting her food, the Vulcan/Betazoid joined the Klingon/Human.

"Are you going to tell her?" B'Elanna asked breaking the silence.

"Yes, when the time's right" responded T'Rina, she knew exactly what B'Elanna was referring too.

"When?, When the entire crew finds out and she discovers from rumours?" B'Elanna asked.

"Geez, will you relax, we'll tell her eventually." said T'Rina, in a low whisper when Jarvin walked past, it seemed the former Maquis crewman was still in love with T'Rina.

"I wonder how Paris would take Jarvin looking at you like that?" asked B'Elanna.

"Okay, there's nothing going on between us, there used to be and it was wonderful and yes, it resulted in my daughter, but that relationship between Tom and I fizzled out years ago." hissed T'Rina.

"Oh, so it's Tom is it?" asked B'Elanna.

"What?" T'Rina asked perplexed.

"You referred to Paris by his first name." said B'Elanna.

"Alright, you want an answer, I'll give you one...I am in love with Tom Paris, I always have been, always will be." said T'Rina, surprised at her mention of an emotion and the almost loss of control, it seemed her Betazoid side was more dominant today.

B'Elanna grinned wickedly. "Good you admitted it" she said.

T'Rina rolled her eyes, she finished her breakfast and walked to the Bridge.


Meanwhile on the bridge, Tom Paris is handing over helm to his relief, a Starfleet woman. "Holding course three five one mark one zero, warp seven. We'll be passing a red dwarf system in forty minutes. I can't tell you if there are any M-class planets." said Tom.

Tom walked to Harry's station.

"You ready?" Tom asked.

"No, I really want to get on that transtator assembly diagnostic." said Harry.

"Harry, I can't do this alone." said Tom.

"I'm sorry." said Harry.

"You're making a big mistake. Can't you see what's going to happen? We're the only humans out here, Harry. People are going to start pairing off, and if we don't get to the Delany sisters in Stellar Cartography soon, somebody else will." said Tom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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