Chapter 3 - Different tack

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"So, you understand your assignment, Miss Quinn...........?" Warren finally asked, after several minutes of speaking to the woman across the desk for him.

"Perfectly, Sir Warren. But a little more notice..........."

"It was decided that after the most recent murder, something needed to be done. Even the Queen believes that a different tack was needed in order to apprehend this fiend. And as you were already here in Whitechapel. it was agreed that the different tack, should be you. So, we were unable to give you any more notice. But now that you are here, do not expect this to be easy........"

"Oh, I am well aware that it will not be easy, Sir Warren. I know all too well of men's prejudices against women that can think; that are capable of more than merely making their dinner or opening their legs. And to be honest, I am surprised that you yourself agreed to this........." Elizabeth quickly replied. The older man seeming surprisingly flustered for a moment.

"Your results here for the War Office are hard to argue with, Miss Quinn. I might not like having to put this investigation in the hands of a woman; but as all the men under my command, seem to have shown nothing but ineptitude in this case, I am willing to try anything. Even you. Mister Walker will disappear until your secondment to Special Branch is over. To get you out of the area, some rooms have been organised for you; new clothes and other things you might require. A hansom cab will be here later today to take you to your temporary home. Now, I have to get to Westminster in time for breakfast with the Prime Minister. So, I will leave everything up to you, and look forward to your reports........" Warren retorted, before getting up from his seat and placing his hat back on his head and making his way to the door of Reid's office.

"Until we meet again, Miss Quinn. And........happy hunting............."


Drake, Jackson and Drummond looked at Reid in disbelief; all of them not sure whether they had heard the Detective Inspector properly.

"So, you are telling us that Flash Jim, James Walker. One of the most popular men with the woman of Whitechapel, is in fact........a woman........?" Homer said, as he and Drake tried to get a better look at the man that had walked into the office only moments before.

"That is exactly what I am saying, captain. It would appear in truth that Mister Walker is in fact a lady by the name of Elizabeth Quinn, who has been working undercover in Whitechapel for the Ministry of War. She has been seconded to Special Branch, and will be working with us on the murder of Emily Macurdy." Reid replied, finally taking the hat from his head.

"That is one thing............" Homer continued.

"But the big question is, why didn't any of us notice that Jim Walker, wasn't a man. Doesn't say much for our observational skills, now does it?" The captain chuckled. His amusement growing, as he saw the look on Bennet's face; Homer, along with everyone else in the station, knowing that the Detective Sargent and Walker had had more than their fare share of disagreements over the last two years. And that only a month ago, Drake had nearly hit the other man, after some women had told the sargent that she wouldn't be sharing his company anymore, thanks to Walker. It now seeming that whatever reputation Jim walker had, it was all due to the cover story. Homer knowing that the Pinkertons would do similar things; not using women, of course, but with the new century getting closer and closer, and he had to suppose that times were changing. Though how and if Drake was going to accept all this, was another thing all together.

"Until we meet again, Miss Quinn. And..........happy hunting..........." A voice came. The men looking over to see Sir Warren opening the door to the office. Not even bothering to say anything to any of them, before making his way out of the station.

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a turn up for the books." Another voice came. It not the thick East End accent that they had been expecting to hear from the person in the doorway. The figure, that until a few minutes ago was a well-dressed man, was now obviously a woman, speaking with a much more refined tone. A broad smile on her lips as she leant, cross armed up against the jamb of the office door.

"The other day, you were trying to arrest me for some robbery on Commercial Street. A month ago, old Drake, there, was about to try and punch my lights out, because I had been able to get Josie Sutherland a job in a nice house in the country; and she would no longer be able to have the highly dubious pleasure of having him grunt like a pig over her, of an evening. And now here I am. So, perhaps a truce is called for while Jimmy Walker is off somewhere enjoying time away from London. But before that........Detective Inspector, perhaps you and I should talk..............." Elizabeth continued. Gesturing for Reid to join her in the office.


"Yes, everything was created by the Ministry. The reports of robberies that I might have committed in other parts of London, all false; written to create the image of a gentleman thief, for James Walker. My popularity with the ladies of Whitechapel, well, that comes more from a little generosity and a few conversations after a night of them being on the gin. My job here was to keep an eye on subversives. There are grumbling of ill content on the continent and in the colonies, that are slowly getting louder. The ministry just wants to make sure that none of it takes hold on home soil. But now, it would appear that I am here to assist you.........."

"So, you are not taking over the investigation............?"

"Not at all, Inspector Reid. As I just said, as far as I am concerned, I am here to merely offer you assistance with anything you might need. To look at the Ripper case, or the murder of Emily Macurdy, if they prove to be different kills, in another way. The Queen and the Prime Minister want the investigation to take a different tack; and according to Sir Warren, that different tack, is me. I have no intention of stepping on anyone's toes, though I still might be tempted to stand on your Sargent's head. And for now, maybe you could get me up to speed on what you have about the murder of poor Emily..........." Elizabeth explained, giving Reid a smile. The pair looking over as there was a knock; Drum pushing his way into the office, with a cup of tea in each hand.  

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