Chapter 2 - Surprise

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"No, Reid, there are no buts......." Sir Charles Warren, the Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police quickly interrupted. The older man not in the mood for anything the Detective Inspector had to say.

"You and your division have failed abysmally at locating this man, Jack, despite all the resources at your disposal. And now, after being assured, six months ago, that the monster's reign of terror was over; I received reports that two nights ago, yet another woman was found brutally murdered on the streets of your one and a quarter square miles of East London. It will just not do, Reid. The world is still looking at us, because of this man's heinous crimes. The Metropolitan Police are supposed to the best in the world, envied by many; yet you, and your inability to find a killer, are making a laughingstock of us all. I have even had the Prime Minister speak to me personally on this matter. We cannot and will not risk this killer taking his nefarious activities into other parts of the capital. I will not have a lady taken by this.......mad man. So, I am bringing in some help. Someone that I believe will be of great assistance. Someone that will show you and your men a different way of looking at this problem." Sir Warren explained, before pulling out his fob watch and looking at the time.

Reid didn't know what to say........not that Sir Warren was about to give him a chance to say anything, anyway. When he had got to work that morning, a rather unhappy Warren had already been waiting for him. The Detective Inspector looking over at Drake and Sargent Drummond behind the counter, who both sort of shrugged, as the older man informed Edmund that he wanted to see him in his Edmund not even getting a chance to take off his coat and hat, before the Chief Commissioner had begun is tirade.

Edmund really had hoped that the killing six months ago, had been the last. The evil that had hung heavily over Whitechapel, had slowly begun to lift. Yet, as Sir Warren had noted, two nights previously, a young woman by the name of Emily Macurdy; affectionally know as Little Em, due to her slight stature, had been found just four streets away. The scene so reminiscent of those of the Ripper's, that Edmund had had to hold back his sudden urge to vomit. Yet, and as awful as it might sound, it meant that they might have another chance of catching the man that was plaguing the East End. That this time he might be seen, of leave a clue to his identity; and then, he could end this madness, once and for all. But it seemed obvious now that Sir Warren didn't trust in his abilities at all. Reid knowing that there was nothing he could do but try and work with the man that was being brought in.


"Mornin, boys.........." Homer said, as he made his way into the station. Taking a peek through the windows of Reids office, as he made his way over to the desk.

"What the heck is Sir Warren doin here, at this time a mornin? Didn't think he got out of bed until his club started serving lunch." The captain continued, as he took the hat from his head, and brushed his hand through his hair.

"No idea. But as soon as Reid got here, tha Commissioner frog marched him inta tha office." Bennet replied, leaning against the counter. Drummond simply nodding in agreement. The three watching as the older man that sat in Reid's usual chair, looked at his watch.

"Must be expecting someone............" Sargent Drummond suddenly noted, before the bell of the nearby church began to sound the eighth hour of the morning. Drake the first to roll his eyes, as the front door of the station opened and in walked Jimmy the Flash, himself.

James Walker, called by all that knew him, Flash, had come to their patch, just over two years ago; creating quite a name for himself. There were rumours, not that Drake, Reid, or anyone else had been able to make anything stick, that the swaggering, well dressed men, was a thief of some kind, that might have something to do with several large robberies in other parts of London. It obvious that the money he flashed, that had gained him his moniker, must come from somewhere; but that had been impossible to prove; and Drake had never been able to hide the fact that he disliked the flash bastard, a lot. The two having stood toe to toe at one point only a month ago. The Detective Sargent not pleased that the younger man not only knew the law; but had a smart mouth and was more than willing to use it.

"Mornin Drum, Yank..........Drake." The sargent's name said with such bile that Bennet thought he could taste it in his own mouth.

"What tha fuck do you want? We ain't got time for any of your crap this mornin. We got better things to do............."

"Ah, well you see Drake. I am here to see your "better things to do". I have an appointment............"

"There you are.........." A voice interrupted. All of them looking over to see Sir Warren standing in the doorway of the office.

"Right on time. Not that I was expecting anything else after what your superiors have told me. Please join us if you will, my dear............" The Commissioner continued, indicating for Jim to make his way into the office. The Flash giving the three other man a smile, before making his way over. Leaving Drummond, Homer and Bennet to wonder why the Commissioner would call a toe rag like Jim Walker, dear.


Reid watched as Flash Jim made his way into the office. If he hadn't been wondering what might be going on before, he certainly was now. His brows furrowing in confusion, as the Commissioner smiled as the supposed thief made their way passed him.

"Please take a seat.........." Warren said, standing until Flash sat down in the chair next to Reid.

"I take it you know this.........person, Reid.............?"

"Yes sir. Mister Walker is known to us........." Edmund replied, not sure where this was going.

"Mister Walker........yes of course. Well, that will be the last time that you use that name for a while, my dear. I think that it is about time that you showed the Inspector who you really are." The older man added. Edmund turning to look, as the man next to him first removed his hat, and then slowly peeled back his hair. A wig and cap removed to reveal long hair that without warning fell over shoulders. Reid not knowing how he had missed it. Not knowing how he and everyone else in Whitechapel, seemed to have been oblivious to the fact that despite what must be theatrical makeup, designed to make them appear more masculine, Flash Jim, was in fact, a woman.

"There, that's better.........Reid, I would like you to meet agent Elizabeth Quinn. For the last two years she has been keeping an eye on subversives in the East End, for the Ministry of War, and making quite the reputation for herself as Mister Walker. But now, thanks to no small amount of negotiations, she has been seconded to Special Branch. And until this killer is caught, Miss Quinn will be working with you, and your division. There will be no arguments, and if she is not treated with respect by you and your men. I will hear of it. Now, if you will excuse us, Inspector; Miss Quinn and I have a few things to discuss." Warren explained before pointing in the direction of the door. Reid slowly getting to his feet and nodding to his superior and the now lady, before leaving his office.  

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