Chapter 5

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Kira watches Rantaro walk away and feels a pang of sadness

"Dammit... I wish I could go with you... I hate being alone"

Kira mutters to himself and takes a deep breath, trying to stay strongRantaro heard Kira's mutter and felt a twinge of guilt for leaving him behind, but knew it was necessary for the sake of the mission. He turned around briefly and gave Kira a reassuring wave before continuing on his path.

"I'll be back soon, babe,"

he called out,

"Just keep your chin up and know that I have complete faith in your abilities."

Meanwhile, Rantaro focused on his own task, determined to put an end to the chaos that plagued their city. He knew that Kira was capable of handling whatever came his way, and that helped ease the loneliness he felt while working independently.

"We'll reunite soon,"

he promised silently,

Kira watches Rantaro and takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and concentrates on the mission ahead of him.

"Stay safe..."

Kira whispers to himself as he activates his communication device to stay in touch with Rantaro and the other heroes. Rantaro walked through the streets, his senses on high alert as he searched for signs of enemy activity. He kept in touch with the other heroes via their communication devices, making sure they were all working together effectively. As he moved deeper into the heart of the chaos, he found himself feeling more and more anxious. He wanted nothing more than to return to Kira's side as quickly as possible. 


Rantaro continued to navigate through the debris-strewn streets, searching for any sign of enemy activity. His heart raced faster with each step he took, growing increasingly worried about Kira's safety and how much longer he would have to remain apart from his partner. He checked in frequently with the other heroes via the communication device, ensuring that they were all working together effectively.

"This is taking far too long,"

 he grumbled to himself,

"I want to be back with Kira already."

Despite these thoughts, Rantaro pushed on, determined to fulfill his duties as a hero and protect both Kira and the city he loved so deeply. Rantaro saw the massive robot causing destruction and felt his heart race, his body tense with anticipation. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to minimize the damage it caused.


he muttered under his breath,

"This thing is huge... I hope the others are ready for this."

Without further delay, Rantaro  ran towards the robot. It was big and was made our of pure metal. It looked like Doomguy from the video game doom slayer but bigger and buffer and more tougher. Without further delay, Rantaro ran towards the robot, determined to take it down as quickly as possible. As he approached, he took out his special gun that fired off a barrage of powerful energy blasts, aiming to disable its systems and bring it to a standstill. The robot's systems began to fail, and it staggered and fell to the ground. 

Kira was standing on top on a massive rock observing the area, he spots Rantaro sees the robot fall. He grins in satisfaction on Rantaro's victory.

"Well fucking done Rantaro!"

Kira cheers for Rantaro over the comms, Rantaro smiled widely upon hearing Kira's cheerful voice over the comms, feeling a surge of pride and relief flood through him. It meant so much to him to hear Kira's support and encouragement during such a challenging moment.

"Thanks, babe,"

he replied,

"I couldn't have taken that thing down without your support."

He looked up at Kira, admiring the view of him perched on top of the massive rock, feeling grateful for their unique bond and the strength it provided. Together, they were unstoppable, and Rantaro knew that no matter what obstacle lay ahead, they would always have each other's backs.

"Alright, let's see if I can find another target to tackle,"

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