Chapter 2

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As Rantaro slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange situation: sitting on someone's lap with no idea where he was or how he got there. He groggily opened his eyes and looked up at the man holding him, recognising him as none other than Kira. He couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion, fear, and betrayal coursing through him. Rantaro tried to speak, but his voice was barely a whisper:

 "W-where am I... and why am I on your lap?"

Kira chuckled slightly, amused by Rantaro's predicament.

"My little monster nearly killed you, so I saw this as a perfect time to kidnap you"

Kira says with a sigh

"Since no one could watch over you I had too, am I comfortable to sit on?"

Kira teases as he uses his right hand and applies a small bit of pressure of Rantaro's waist making him squirm a little. Rantaro felt a surge of anger and humiliation course through him as he processed Kira's words, realizing that the man had essentially kidnapped him after the tree nearly crushed him to death. He struggled weakly against Kira's hold, feeling disgusted by the thought of being held captive by the same person who had created the deadly monstrosity that had tried to kill him only moments ago. Rantaro growled lowly, trying to make his voice sound as threatening as possible even though he was significantly weakened from the ordeal:

 "You won't get away with this! I'll find a way to escape and punish you for this...

Kira huffs,

"Shh... shut up and enjoy this moment before I kill you"

Kira says coldly

"While we are here together, let's catch up, like how best friends do"

Rantaro froze, suddenly terrified by Kira's cold tone and implied threat. He remained quiet, glaring defiantly at Kira despite feeling completely powerless against him.After a few tense minutes of silence, during which Rantaro tried to plan an escape route in his mind, Kira spoke again, this time with a more playful tone:

"Alright, best friend number one: tell me, have you been thinking about our deal? Have you thought about how much you want my cock inside of you?"

Rantaro gritted his teeth and replied through clenched lips:

"Fuck off, you psychopath. I'd rather die than ever willingly accept anything from someone like you."

Kira chuckles

"Seriously though, how was life when you left me, your best friend"

Kira asks, Rantaro glared at Kira, refusing to be baited into a conversation despite feeling a pang of nostalgia for the past.Rantaro eventually responded with a sneer: 

"It was great, just like always. I had a promising career ahead of me, lots of friends, and a fulfilling personal life. But then you came along and ruined everything with your twisted fantasies about controlling people and bringing chaos to the world."

Kira sharpens his eyes

"You don't understand do you... you where my best and only friend, your the only one that didn't call me a monster, didn't mock me, didn't hurt me... when you left... you left me all alone... I had to endure it all my life and here you are saying how good your life was when mine was terrible..."

Kira says coldly with a hint of anger and sadness

Rantaro's expression softened slightly as he heard Kira's pained confession, feeling a pang of guilt in his heart. He never knew that Kira had experienced such loneliness and isolation due to his own actions. Rantaro slowly shook his head and responded with a more sympathetic tone: 

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