Chapter 3 : Black Tie Events Aren't For Everyone

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Monday morning came and it was the same as every week, wake up, go to the BNB, cook breakfast, clean, go home, work in the office, have lunch, I didn't have clients on that particular Monday so I decided to head to Canadian Tire to pick up a few things for the BNB and studio. Walking through the isles I nearly ran right into someone. Typical me though shopping with my head busy thinking of what I'll do next. The thing was though I didn't nearly walk into just anyone, no it was Matt Davis again. Shy, I barely looked at him, I just kept my head down and quietly said sorry.

"Hey, it's Maddie , right?" Matt asked me.

"Uh, yeah, hi, I didn't think you would remember." I responded like an idiot.

"Of course, I remember you, I was actually going to call you tonight." Matt said

"Really? Why?" I couldn't help sounding shocked.

"I wanted to know what you are doing on Friday?" Matt asked

"Working." I answered still confused

"Well, do you think your boss would give you the night off so I could take you out to this charity event at the Roselawn?" Matt said while giving me that charming smile he has.

"Let me see (I paused trying to remember if I booked any clients in the evening or any events.) yup she'll give me the night off (I laughed at myself, Matt looked at me concerned for me) because I'm my own boss, I own a B&B and Photography studio." I tried to recover from the failed attempt at being funny.

"Oh ha ha, okay I'll pick you up at 6 here text me your address" Matt handed me a card with his number on it then walked away. I stood there shocked by what had happened. Matt just asked me out, Matt Davis just asked me out. I look around to see if someone is going to jump out and tell gotcha but I'm the only one in the aisle. I quickly finish my shopping so I can go home and check my schedule to be absolutely sure I don't have anything or anyone booked. Lucky for me I am wide open for Friday. The only problem now is surviving the week.

It's finally Friday and I wake up so excited. Head to the BNB to start my day the same as every day. Only today when I got home I headed to the shower. Then to my closet I know I have a cocktail dress in here somewhere. Finally, I found it in the very back. It's beautiful but simple just like me. I lay the dress on my bed then head into the bathroom, I put huge rollers in my hair to curl the bottom, I let them stay there to air dry while I look up nice eye makeup on YouTube. I hate all the tutorials and just do my best with a more natural look. I blow dry my hair to help it dry faster. I have one session to shoot then I have time to fix my hair and change.

Finally, time to leave, Matt is here to pick me up. He looks stunning. I still don't know why he asked me in comparison. I'm a one and he's an eleven but I'm grateful and excited. I'm feeling sexy in my dress, it's lime green on the inside with this vibrant blue on the outside. The neckline is this loose swoosh so not only do you see the green on the inside, you also see my cleavage. Up the left side is a slit right up to my mid thigh and it ruffles down the slit. When we arrived at Roselawn, the building was as beautiful as I remember. Matt takes my arm as we walk in. Inside everything is so elegant. All the decor is black and white, crisp and clean looking. All the tables have white table cloths, the chairs are covered in black with a white bow. The ceiling has crystals hanging from it. Even the centre pieces on the tables are stunning, they are these rustic looking lanterns with a wreath of white flowers around them. We find our table and take a seat.

"Can I get you a drink?" Matt asks

"Oh yes please, I'll have a glass of Riesling or a Coors light in the bottle." I reply, not sure what drinks will be available. I take a seat looking around the room. Matt returns with our drinks, it's a wine kind of event. We cheer and both take a drink.

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