Chapter 14 - The battle with an end

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The battle went on, late into the night, bodies were strewn across the muddy ground, luckily none of theirs, and they all kept on fighting. Solstice was nowhere to be seen, she had disappeared into the trees, but Nathalia and 3 other fairy soldiers were still fighting, as aggressively as ever. It seemed as though the soldiers never got tired but their side had to switch in and out when fighting and if they weren't they were resting and aiming fruit at their heads.

Flynn was getting all his anger out and it surprised Annalise because he had mercilessly killed 5 of the soldiers whereas Icelynn could only bring herself to kill one and knocked out the rest.

The moon was blazing down on them, causing their shadows to grow, and their tiredness too. It was down to Nathalia and a tall, muscly guy who sneered at them eventually running as Icelynn who froze the ground in front of him so he slipped, hit his head, and passed out, and Waylan walked up to him, holding the sword with both hands he drove it down into the guy's back and pulled it back out again. All their clothes were stained with blood, some from themselves and some from the others.

Now Nathalia was the last one standing but she ran off into the forest but they all knew she would be back with Soltice who still couldn't be seen. Waylan, Nate, Annalise, Flynn Icelynn, Barry, and Barney all huddled in a group, shivering with fear, fright, and sheer coldness. Most of them fell asleep, resting their heads on each other but Nate and Icelynn sat up, wide awake, keeping look out for Solstice who might strike at any time. "I'm sorry about Nathalia" Icelynn said looking at Nate, "thanks," Nate said back, "do you think it was her fighting?" Icelynn said softly, Nate turned to look at her "You know what I mean?" it was more of a question than a statement, Icelynn nodded and said, "I could see it in her eyes, I haven't met her properly but bI can tell that wasn't her" nothing could be said after that because a rustling came from behind the trees in front of them sounded and it didn't form the wind. "Guys," Nate and Icelynn said, shaking everyone else up. They all sat up alarmed, and they were right to do so because Solstice and Nathlia emerged from behind the trees. "I've come to finish you off myself," she said menacingly, "Before you do, can you at least tell us your plan?" Annalise said, not blinking, "Well seeing as you all going to die tonight anyway, I was trying to bring down the dome, to let anyone who was banished back in, and rule over the town" She gave a derisive laugh and stopped abruptly glaring back at them. They all drew out their weapons but they were too late because Solstice picked up her wand and muttered "Kill them all". A blazing flame of black smoke and light came from the wand, and Icelynn becoming the hero, blocked it with a shield that she was holding up herself, a magic shield, the shield from her powers. Solstice screamed and yelled at Nathalia, "give me your sword", "why", "Just give me you sword child or it will be off with your head" Nathlia handed her the sword and Solstice ran forward, her dress billowing behind her, and stabbed it into the shield. It only penetrated the outer layer so she pushed harder and harder. "Guys!" Icelynn shouted, they all were talking trying to figure out how to get her, "guys!" Icelynn repeated, still ignoring that she said one final time "Guys!" but that's it. It all happened so quickly, Icelynn collapsed to the ground, the shield barrier disappearing and Solstice fell forward, the sword plummeting into Icelynn's ribs. Blood spurted everywhere and now Icelynn was most definitely dead, the first and hopefully last of them to be killed. 

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