Chapter 13- The unplanned meeting

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A drawling voice came from behind them, a high pitched, drawling voice, "Hello lovelies". They all whipped their heads around dramatically because that voice sent shivers up their backs which penetrated their bones and made them all shiver violently. A short woman, with long, thin silver hair and eyes as dark as the abyss, she was wearing an extensively long, flowing black dress that coiled around her body like a snake. She had wings, glittering, shining black and grey wings, and lips that were cracked with the overuse of dark lipstick. A wide crooked smile emerged from her face, making her seem more deranged than ever, "Fancy seeing you here?" the woman-fairy said slyly, "I knew we couldn't trust that girl" Annalise said to Nate, "Hey, don't make assumptions -" they all sucked in their breaths and Nate broke off because out from behind the tree was Nathalia, looking as graceful, and evil as ever, she smiled and waved to Nate who looked heartbroken and hurt, "you, you liar" Annalise said bounding forwards towards her, "We all trusted you!" Waylan grabbed Annalise's wrist so she couldn't strike Nathalia in the face and get them into more trouble. "I'm not here to fight you," The fairy-lady said in a falsely sweet voice, "If you just scuttle back to the palace and tell Antinea that it was all a mistake, then I will let you walk away unharmed". "And if we don't," Flynn said boldly, "then I'm afraid we will have a little, very small battle on our hands, where I will not be afraid to slaughter and kill" she replied, the last words she spoke her fake smile fell. "Then I'm afraid we will have to fight," Nate said croakily, his heart still smashed. "You have five seconds," Fairy Solstice said, "Five, four, three, two' ', they all ran off into their prepared spots, "one ". She drew out her wand and handed Nathalia a sword, and shouted "CHARGE!" a dozen soldier fairy's came swarming out from behind the trees, Flynn shouted "Abandon your hiding spots!" because he looked panicked. He conjured up a bunch of weapons which clattered to the ground in a heap, and they all picked one up and fought, fought for their dear lives.

Icelynn looked scared to behead, Annalise looked nervous to stab, and Barry and Barney found the weapons too heavy to pick up so they climbed up the tree throwing fruit and veg down to hit the opposing side in the head.

Flynn was fighting two built guys who had gold teeth and a really short buzz cut, and they were both covered in tattoos, Waylan was fighting this vicious girl who had fangs for teeth and claws for nails, Annalise was fighting this short guy who would wrap his arms around her ankles and tackle her to the ground consistently, and Icelynn was fighting a tall slim guy who had small horns, and wings, but Icelynn was managing and finally when it got to it Nate had to fight Nathalia, who was beyond aggressive, Nate looked into her chocolate brown eyes, and saw, saw nothing, it wasn't Nathalia who was fighting him, well it was, but it was the daughter of the queen who seemed to have been hypnotized to fight, well at least that's what Nate hoped. 

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