Jan-Feb (29-4) (Part 1)

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Prompt Theme: There was light at the end

By: Suurin (https://www.inkitt.com/Suurin)


"Let go." A raspy labored breath of a final whisper.


The bleeps of the machines had finally gone quiet. A warm darkness engulfed her, embracing her like an old friend long waiting. Comfortable quiet with not even the sound of breath to echo in the vast emptiness of content.


All the pain had ended, for the first time in what felt like forever her body was finally free of the agony which racked her daily. Light as a feather, floating in the endless void. Drifting away like frivolous thoughts, the memory of everything fading from her mind.

Even though there was no air here for her lungs to work, she could finally breathe without the death rattle in her chest, or the sensation of drowning with the constant fluid in her lungs. Every inhale was one of perfect bliss instead of panic and dread from her body's natural responses.


Even though her eyes may very well be open, she was at rest. A state of serene euphoria and no longer afraid of what laid beyond life. She welcomed the release from the torment. She had settled into what the fates had in store for her, even if it was to drift aimlessly into nothing.

*Oblivion could be nice...*

In a moment of acceptance and realization that she could float forever without a care left. There was a flash of light. Pure white light appeared into the endless, casting out the shadows of the end. Radiant joy bathed her, voices that she had nearly forgotten whispered her name and beckoned her as if welcoming her home. As her eyes turned to the light she could see the faces of those she had loved and lost, the ache of missing them replaced with elevated elation.

"I'm home!"

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