January (22-28)

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Prompt Theme: Everyone's addicted to something in some shape or form. Write about someone being addicted to something

By: adamngoodwriter

Dear Diary,

30th December 2021

People are addicted to strange things and products, which may not be healthy. I, Martin, am addicted to Violet, whose beauty, even a fully bloomed lotus pales to... Come to think of it, my addiction to her doesn't seem healthy.

I'm not proud of it but I have been a complete creep and stalker. I know her house address, her favorite color (violet ironically), and the abandoned factory she goes to.

I don't want to intrude on her privacy, which will land me in juvenile jail.

I am excited and nervous at the same time, for tomorrow, I am going to try to ask her to be my girlfriend. Don't worry, I'll take you there too. Where, you may ask.

To the factory, of course. She spends most of her day there. For peace of mind, probably. Anyways, Been fun talking to you.

Dear Diary,

31st December 2021

9:00 pm

The Halloween Parade just got over. She's in the attire of a scientist. I'm following her.

She looks over her shoulder just as I hide behind an oak tree. I breathe nervously and summon my courage to ask her. I hear the sounds of footsteps pattering away. I'm running silently after her as she's standing in front of the massive locked iron gates of the factory. She fumbles in her pocket, retrieving the key.

She goes in. I follow her. She turns right and goes down a long flight of stairs. I remove my shoes to tread quietly. I go down them, and I nearly scream in horror at what lies before me. I see humans, naked and bound, with hideous scars on their bodies. One of them sees me and starts screaming at the top of his lungs.

I flinch in fear and terror. I'm gonna go back up and report it to the police. As I turn back to the stairs, I think i'm dead. She's standing there with a gun pointed toward me. SAVE ME..... Don't try to. You can't....

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