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My heart was racing as i ran through crowds of people. I let out a scream as i felt my hair being pulled back, my body lost balance and fell m, my back was pressed against a hard chest.

My body froze, i could practically feel my blood freeze in my veins as i felt light finger taps against my shoulder.

"Your testing my Patience" Izana mumbled, his voice shockingly soft but i could hear the frustration im the back of his words.

I tried to laugh it off, wiggling out of his grip but I couldn't as he wrapped a chunk of my hair in his fist, spinning me around to face him.

And now..now i could see the evil smile that tugged at his lips, his pearly teeth showing.

"Maybe in the next meeting I'll drag you along and blast your head off..maybe then. Will you respect peoples time" he spat.

Although I was scared, i wasn't going to let this thing talk down on me.

"Like you could, all these empty threats" i spoke back.

I seen his eye twitch at my come back but by the time he was about to speak I managed my hair out of his hold.

I patted down my clothes and quickly turned away, hearing a tut from behind

I didn't want to be around any of them for now as i felt a sudden frustration seep in my veins and being around anyone right now was going to drive me  insane so i just headed out of the mall by myself.

Eventually after pushing past the crowds of people i got outside, sticking my arm out at the curb to catch a taxi back home.

I stood at the curb for at least 10 minutes before a car finally stopped, without caring i just hopped inside. Placing my bag down beside me in the back seat.

"Where to miss?" An all familiar voice spoke.

I looked up at the mirror to see who it was and it was that cafe guy from a while ago. For some reason i felt a sense of unease around him now.

"Um..i think i caught the wrong taxi" i said, trying to laugh it off, my hand reaching out for the handle but the man put in the locks.

My heart dropped, i just stared at him through the mirror, yet he smirked back.

"So princess what was you doing with boss?" He asked

And with those words my unease was replaced by my earlier frustration.

I crossed my arms over my chest as i spoke

"I wasn't with him i was with Ran and Rindou"

The guy just laughed, almost as if i was a comedian

"Love im sorry to say but after that chase Ran and Rindou had a slight fight and just left so im almost positive you wasn't with them"

My brow arched at his words, wanting to know more of what he had to say, which was a change because usually id prefer if people stayed silent.

"Don't be alarmed princess, the names Shuji Hanma" 

"Y/n L/n"

And after that he went silent for a Moment.
Well that was before he let out a howl like laugh

"Ah so you're THE Y/n that Rindou was speaking highly of, I must say you look rather too cute to be the violent type"

"Im not violent" i scoffed out

"I see..anyways i'll be your uber then"
He said, turning back to give me a toothy grin that made my heart flutter a little.

But before he could start the engine, a loud knock was heard from my window making me almost jump.

Turning to look my semi smile dropped upon seeing Izana.

I rolled down the window to speak, but my words where already cut short before said.

"Get out" he spat

I crossed my arms over my chest
"Or what, i rather like it here to be fair"

He stood straight again, smiling down at me through the window
"I'll just order Hanma to drive you over a cliff"

"Shame you have to get someone to do your work, i wouldn't call yourself a boss" i shrugged

"However i don't think id ever end up home with all this talking, no offence shuji" i smiled back at hanma, a pure smile to which he returned.

Before i could reach out to grab the handle, Izana's arm was already in the car. Thinking he was reaching out for me i quickly moved to roll up the windows, not fully, enough so his arm would be pressed a tiny bit.

"You fucking bitch, i was opening the door" he hissed out, trying to pull his arm from the window, failing though.

He pulled his other arm back and before i could process what he was doing, glass was all over the car.
"Boss what the hell!? I just got this back!" The skunk haired male whined.
Me however, was wiping glass from my body, small cuts were on my arm now, blood trickling down. I span my head to face the platinum haired man, a look of disgust on my face, but he just pulled the handle and opened the door, grabbing onto my blooded arm and pulling me out of the car.

"Stop that" he mumbled

"Stop what?"

He just fell silent, walking alongside me to wherever it was he was going.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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