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So far..the school day had been as boreing as ever, I hardly spoke to anyone. Hina didn't come today..which was mostly my reasoning behind the day being boreing.

Right now it was final lesson, the teacher fell asleep so no one was doing work, paper was thrown across the class. People were standing on tables and screaming.

My head rested against my desk as I stared out the window.

The door flew open, making everyone go quiet, the sudden quietness made me raise my head and look at whoever walked in.

Me eyes met with his, a massive smile on his face as he began sliding over to me like a child.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, knowing he should be in his own class right now

He sat down at the desk Infront of me, spinning the chair around so he faced me. His arms crossed on the back of the chair.

"I came to check on my friend, is that wrong"

I shook my head

"Exactly" his smile grew wider, showing me his teeth.

"But that's not mainly why I came" he started speaking again

"Hmm..then what?"

"Someone wanted to meet you" he explained, his voice quieting as he spoke


"Just someone..hes gonna wait outside school when it finishes" Shion explained, his eyes holding a form of sympathy for some reason.

"Oh.." was all I could respond with..who would want to meet me??

"Luckily I'll be with you, so don't worry" Shion said, a huge smile on his face as he flicked his hand in my face to show me the thumbs up.

The bell rang, school finally at an end.

I started to pack away my things, getting up from my desk. Shion held his hand out for me which I happily took in mine. We began walking out of class in silence that was until he spoke,

"He's not very patient..also try not to speak casually with him, he gets annoyed by random people being so" he paused for a second, clearing his throat.
"Disgustingly disrespectful" the blonde said, faking a deep scary voice making me laugh lightly.

We got to the school gate, Ran stood leaning against one of the metal pillars as if waiting for us.

Noticing Me and Shion approach his direction he stood up straight, a small smile on his lips.

"Boss' waiting for us near the store" Ran said, moving towards me and pulling me away from Shion.

"Huh..?" I was confused by he actions. Shion clearly the same since he gasped very. Loudly.

Rans arm linked with mine as he pulled me along with him, not giving me any choice but to deal with it.

As we got to the store,

That guy that always ends up bumping into me was sat on one of the bollards.. well more of leaning on it then sitting.
His eyes moved towards Ran, his eyes a darker purple than any time I've so far seen them..He slowly drifted his gaze down to me, a vein popping in the side of his head.

"Who is that?" He asked, his words laced with disgust.

"Y/n" Shion quickly answered not allowing me to do so myself.

His left brow raised as he scanned me from head to toe,


Huh? No what? Was he talking to himself??

"What do you mean no?" I asked, my eyes locking with his

"I don't like you" he simply answered, giving a slight shrug

Fucking rude

"Well then the feelings mutual" I smiled sweetly at him

My smile clearly irked him since he gritted his teeth and moved his gaze off me to Shion and Ran who both ended up stood behind me.

"You bring this..pest here knowing she has no respect??" The white haired male asked, his voice harsh and much louder in volume then before.

"Pest?" My brow raised at his insult

"Yes, pest. Always in the way for no apparent reason" he scoffed

"Well maybe if you used your eyes, you'd be able to avoid bumping into me" I argued back

"Y/n.." Shion whispered lowly from behind me, but I chose to ignore him

The white haired man just clicked his tongue, standing up straight from the bollard and moving towards me.

"What is so amazing about her?" his eyes full of hatred as he stared down at me.

"Many things, too many for your simple minded self to even imagine" I said, my voice having a sarcastic tone.

"Is that so? Well I doubt that, anyways im no longer interested in knowing you so you can leave" he said, waving his hand in a shoo-ing motion.

"Don't flatter yourself" I scoffed, beginning to walk away.

"Tch..dirty mouthed brat" he mumbled watching me walk away before returning his gaze to the two males.

Shion gulped thickly, scratching the back of his nape.

"Boss..she's usually a very polite per-"

"No. She's respectful when respected" Ran said, cutting Shion off.

"Does it look like I care?" Izana snapped, glaring at Ran

"No boss" Ran mumbled

Izana moved back from them, turning away

"I suggest if you both want to keep that pest of yours, you'll remind her to watch her tongue next time..or you might no longer have her" he spat.


After getting home, I headed to my room..I don't even know where Ryu was, usually he'd still be home until I got back but he wasn't today.

Getting my phone from my pocket, I was going to message him but noticed he had already messaged me when I was out.

Annoying Ryu

Y/n I won't be home for around
2 months since me and Shinichiro
are going to look for bike parts

There's food in the fridge
But if you need more I left
Money in the kitchen

Stay safe, don't do anything dumb

I gasped, offended that hed think I'd do something dumb. Putting my phone down I went to shower before doing god knows what.


Izana js bein silly, he secretly
deeply I love and planning all
these meet ups


Anyways Shinichiro 😍

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