alex x yn part 12

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trigger warnings: alcohol and tobacco depictions, mention of slight physical abuse

i decide not to spend my paid hours worrying about the fact that i'm a few feet away from alex. plus, i have a boyfriend now.

matt greets me with a hug as i walk into the studio, but nick and jamie stay near the drums, murmuring about something on nicks phone.

"alex come back over here," matt calls to alex, who's slumped as he walks in and steps behind the microphone, slinging the guitar over his head.

"so um, just play a song of your choice and i'll take some pictures as you play," you say to the group. they mumble response and get in their spots. alex is directly in front of you, his hair stuck back so tight you could be fooled if someone said it was glue.

"um lets run arabella then mad sounds, yeah?"

the songs alex lists are unfamiliar to you, probably for their new album.

you stand patiently as they tune and adjust their microphones, noticing alex giving you a few quick glances.

matt hits the drums a few times then looks at you and says, "heard you got a new boyfriend, yn." you nod, snapping a few pictures of jamie changing the settings on the amp.

"sounds like a prick he does," nick butts in.

alex turns back to shoot him a look, something like a suppressed laughter, but you're taken aback.

"oh i-um he's alright," you defend.

"alright? that's great. you've got yourself an alright snogger," matt laughs.

"ok i'm being paid to take pictures not talk about my love life, play something!"

alex quietly counts off, "arabella's got some interstellar gator-skin boots..."

you take a moment to acknowledge the new song, but continue taking pictures as the song goes on. one on matt's drums, a few on nick and jamie. but the majority had to be on alex, who had his eyes closed most of the time. something about his hair kept itching you, but you kept snapping photos until the song was over.

"that was really good guys," you say, setting you camera down on a nearby stool. you walk over to nick and flatten a fold in his shirt, then survey the rest of them. you stop in front of alex, who puts down his guitar for the next song. he was probably hoping you'd walk away, because he seems to grow more uncomfortable with every second you stand there.

"ok here," you give in, reaching over to pull a front section of his hair out, curling it with you finger and letting it fall in front of his face. he stays dead still as you perfect the hair and gently wipe a piece of lint off of his cheek. his eye flickers to your forearm that has been revealed from stretching out to reach him. he looks back at you and meets your gaze, but you quickly cover your arm. he gets the message. don't bring it up.

letting out a breath, you reach back for your camera and take a forward shot of alex, who has yet to move.

"you can play the next song now, you guys are good." with both hands on the microphone, alex breathes in and begins singing a softer tune compared to the last song. you walk around them all, trying to avoid the cords that snake across the floor. you take a photo of matt, who's not playing for the moment, while he poses with his drumsticks.

while making your way back to the front of the room, your face is so buried in the camera that you step backwards and inevitably trip over the cord connected to alexs microphone. without stopping singing, he reaches his arm out and supports your back as you catch yourself. he stares at you for a moment, then takes his hand off of your back to grab his microphone, singing a part you do actually recognize.

"you sit and try sometimes, but you just can't figure out what went wrong. then, out of nowhere, somebody comes and hits you with an ooh, la-la-la, ooh, la-la-la, ooh, la-la-la, ooh..."

it was the melody that he'd been making while he was drunk on the plane, being so secretive to you about., that's stupid you're not in a story, this is real life.

about 20 minutes go by without anymore slip-ups, and the guys pack up their stuff.

"thanks yn, the pictures all look amazing," nick approaches you with his bass case in one hand and a soda in the other, "i'm sorry if what i said about your boyfriend earlier was shitty. i'm sure he's a nice lad..."

you smile thanks as he walks off, joining jamie out the front door. not fully believable, but he was sweet for apologizing. you make your way out the door as well, seeing alex get into his car. the concrete is damp and the cars have dew on the hoods, it must've rained during the shoot.

a rush of pride runs through you as you see alex pulling out of the parking lot, his hair the same exact way as it was when you touched it. he cared enough to keep it.

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