alex x yn part 11

153 4 15

trigger warnings: alcohol and tobacco depictions

"let's go back to the old key, yeah?"

jamie nods as he quickly plays a riff, adjusting the sound as he goes. i lift my guitar over my head and set it down against the amp, walking over to a small table in the studio for a drink of my soda.

i rub the space in between my eyes, praying it brings me some relief. instead it brings me matt, strutting through the door with his drumsticks and sunglasses.

"sorry i'm late, had to take a call from yn," he lets me know. wish he hadn't.

"hm," i mutter. it's the only response i have to any sentence with her name.

"she's coming over in a few to take our pictures," he adds.

"we're getting pictures?"

"ye, she's taking them for our interviews on tuesday."

i look up, confused.

"we're having interviews on tuesday?"

"al where's yer head gone," he laughs. "we've been over this. she's coming today to take pictures then on tuesday she's filming our post-tour interview. no one else could make it al i'm sorry."


i put down the empty can and walk back over to the recording booth, where nick stands holding his phone, mouth gaped.

he hands me the phone, which is opened to a news article posted just a few hours ago.

a large picture of yn and allen are plastered on the front with the caption, "alex turner's tour companion found new romantic stirrings with allen tadien!"

i don't bring myself to read the whole article, but i see a few things. "better than alex", "nothing short of gorgeous".

this is madness. this man is a fraud, may i even go far enough to call him a snake. in the photo, he has his hands gripped around yns wrist so hard i can see the blood cut off, turning her skin a pale white.

by now jamie and matt have crowded around the phone to have a look, and i just shove it back into nicks hands and walk over to an abandoned stool on the side of the room.

"al listen to this," jamie reads out, "allen tadien confirms to be dating caroline, saying quote 'my names allen tadien, i'm actually her boyfriend', while being spotted leaving the gateway apartment complex, caroline's suspected home."

"WHAT THE FUCK? HE'S GOT NO COMMON KNOWLEDGE FOR FUCKS SAKE," i explode. why would he say something like that, so willingly and happily to talk to paparazzi. he doesnt understand that they aren't our friends!

"they're gonna camp outside her apartment now," matt stresses.

"alex, mate that boy is a carbon copy of you," jamie laughs.

"i'm going to the bathroom," i announce. i get up and walk through the studio into the front room.

i wash my hands and run them through my hair with the water, fully slicking it back.

i hear a knock on the studio door, so i dry my hands and leave the bathroom, opening the front door.


yn's leaned against the railing of the steps to the door, looking down at her phone. she looks up with a smile that quickly fades when she sees me in the other side of the doorway, staring back at her.

"um..hey," she mutters as she pushes herself off the rail and walks inside, squeezing past me, who's unable to move.

"hey," i whisper, but she's already gone.

camera girl {alex turner x femme reader}Where stories live. Discover now