Chapt. 1- Only The Beginning

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I quickly grab a bottle, fill it to the brim with water, close the cap and shove it into my traveling backpack. I might get dehydrated along the way, after all, I don't think there are many water sources in the desert.

Food, I think. I need food. I'll stop by the grocery store and get something fast, all we have in the fridge are milk and eggs.

I grab one more thing before I leave: father's handgun that he keeps in case of an emergency. What if this "567" shows up with a weapon? I need to have protection.

I race out the door in my tennis shoes and snatch a light jacket on my way out.

Crap. The cars are gone... Of course. This dude probably wanted to test me to see how far I could make it without dying first. Sick. What would he want with this town, anyway?

I open the garage door, hop on my silver all-terrain bike, and pedal quickly to the store.

There's barely anybody here, and I don't recognize any of their faces.

Despite the fact, I don't let the fear overcome me. I run into the local store, now abandoned except for the mysterious lady at the check-out center. I grab some fruits, vegetables, and crackers, and then go over to the check-out line.

"Hello! I'd like to purchase these items." I say politely.

"We are..." She says in a scratchy voice, mumbling the rest of the sentence.

"Ma'am?" I ask, concerned. She may be tired. There are bags under her eyes.


I cock my head to the side a little, confused.

"We. Are. Watching. You." She states, pronouncing each word clearly. Her pupils dilate, grinning a ghastly smirk.

Paranoia floods my system and it's getting hard to breathe. The adrenaline is slowly leaving my body as I realize what's actually happening.

#1: Somebody has kidnapped my family and friends. #2: This all was delicately planned out. #3: Someone is watching my every step. It is not safe here.

I run as fast as I can, taking the grocery bag with me, and jump on the bike. Soon, all of the people in town start running after me, ready to kill.

Panic surges through me as I pedal quickly, following the desert trail. I need to get to the north cactus. I need to save my family and friends. I need to figure out what is going on.

I throw my bike to the side roughly, clenching my fists. I check the time. 6:30 A.M. Exactly 11 hours since I left town. I throw my backpack to the ground, exhausted from the long ride. I have an hour, right? I deserve a little snack.

Taking out the last apple I have, I carefully take a tiny bite one by one. I don't want to waste any of it. After about a dozen bites, I place the shiny red apple back into my bag and take out the water bottle. I definitely don't want to waste any of this, either. I take a couple sips and then put it back.

I haven't slept at all ever since last night, how could I have? Like I said, somebody was watching me. I need to be aware and alert at all times.

I skim through the note one last time. The north cactus. I need to find the north cactus.

I take out the handgun, and decide to travel to rest of the way on foot.

I check my watch once again. 7:00 A.M. I only have thirty more minutes! I don't even know what the north cactus is!

Not thinking, I run towards the north star. If it's called "the north cactus" it has to be north, right?

Finally, I reach a gigantic cactus peppered with gorgeous flowers. This must be it.

I sit down cross-legged, waiting. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for, just that I'm waiting.

I notice another little note attached to the cactus. Carefully, I take it off, not wanting to get pricked.

'Congratulations. You made it to the north cactus, Bridget. But this is only the beginning.'

I hear a gunshot, and quickly turn around to be greeted with a familiar face.

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